Do you want to improve your health simply and easily? In-Nature Teas are specialist importers of high grade loose leaf teas from China. Operating from offices in London, Beijing, Boston, and via their web site, they are an international business who bring their organically grown green, oolong and puerh teas to discerning tea drinkers the world over.
A Guide To Writing A Manuscript Synopsis Congratulations! The mere fact that you are reading this article suggests that you have finished writing the manuscript for your fiction / non-fiction, children’s book or short story. Or that you have almost finished writing it. Or, maybe that you are thinking about writing it1 Regardless, you deserve to be congratulated! Entering into the literary world can be a very daunting, challenging and...... Similar Editorial : Sell Your Manuscript by Lisa Silverman. | Source : Printing A Book
Useful Web Sites For Self Published Writers It is amazing what you can find on the internet nowadays; instructions on how to download music to an ipod, on-line cookery lessons and mouth-watering recipes, broad-sheet newspapers and the history of European art, everything you have ever wanted to know about Elvis Presley , Cat Stevens or S Club 7 - the list is endless - literally. So when you are thinking about self-publishing and are looking...... Similar Editorial : Getting Published by Simone Mary. | Source : Printing A Book
Top Tips Guaranteed To Make Interviews More Predictable Getting a new job can be stressful but with a systematic approach to planning you can really increase your chances of success. Alongside the more obvious attention you must give to the details of an interview, what to wear on the day and ensuring you arrive on time, etc, time and effort should also be given to preparing mentally for the interview.This means acknowledging that you are likely to be...... Similar Editorial : Interviews with Well by Michael Southon. | Source : Dress For Interviews
Word Power - The Importance Of Language In Your CV When most people start thinking about pulling together a CV, they usually concentrate on the content of the CV - what they are going to say, and what they are going to highlight as being important - but they very rarely think about how they are going to say it. When it comes to CV writing; structure, layout and content are all important factors to consider. But it is the words, phrases and...... Similar Editorial : Ms Word by cyber tech. | Source : Cover Letter
Make Time To Love Your Partner After Baby Has Arrived Life has changed Big Time - baby has arrived. You feel proud, full of happiness but tired out and find it very difficult to make time for quility time with your partner. This is the danger time when relationships can start to come apart. It is essential that you reaffirm your love for your partner as the new arrival can easily take up most of your time. You can generally make it so that you are...... Similar Editorial : Lewis Hamilton Has Arrived by Shaun Parker. | Source : Cakes For Baby Showers
Employment After A Baby - Solving The Daycare Issue There are many reasons why you, a parent, want or need to get back to work, whatever your reason, on of the biggest worries will be how to solve the day care issue. It is not really fair to expect other family members such as grandparents or parents to look after your child so you will need professional day care -- unless your employer is forward-thinking enough to provide a creche for its staff's...... Similar Editorial : Need Employment by peter1. | Source : Cakes For Baby Showers
For Senior Golfers As a senior golfer myself and having helped other senior golfers, I can tell you that getting older doesnt mean you have to sacrifice a lot of distance off the tee.There are so many golfers mistakenly believe that when you get older you lose your power, speed, and your distance. Sure you are not going to drive the ball like you did at 25, but the decrease can be minimal, with the right approach.So...... Similar Editorial : We are Golfers by Golf Die Hard. | Source : Nc Golf Course Homes
Improving Your Golf Score By Avoiding Ego Involvements Ego involvement is a Freudian term having to do with what is generally known as pride. We are ego-involved when we use a three iron when we should be using a two or even a wood. One of the secrets of the phenomenal play of Tiger Woods is he doesnt allow his ego to affect his choice of clubs. If his opponent uses a six iron, Tiger will not hesitate to use another club other than the six iron.Our...... Similar Editorial : Improving your Credit Score by Michael Killian. | Source : Nc Golf Course Homes
Compute Distances On The Golf Course Many golfers judge golf course distances subconsciously. They look at the hole and feel the distance. This is not as accurate as consciously computing how far you are from the green. The feel can be made much more accurate if it is helped mechanically and psychologically. This is particularly true when you are within pitching distance of the green.The soundest method seems to be that of Bobby...... Similar Editorial : Much More Than Golf by Jim McLellan. | Source : Nc Golf Course Homes
Three Variations Of Golf Shots While there is only one type of swing in golf, there are three variations of golf shots: Right curving, high-flying shots that inevitably turn into slices; Low-flying shots that curve to the left causing a hook; and the perfect straight shot, which is neither too high nor too low, and always manages to stay right in the middle of the fairway.You may think a straight shot is all you'll ever need to...... Similar Editorial : Tips on Bowling Shots by rhusain. | Source : Nc Golf Course Homes
Dealing With Distractions On The Golf Course Probably the main cause of irritation and loss of concentration among golfers is players who continue to talk while you’re trying to make your shot.Quite often, these people will make excuses for their inconsiderate behaviour, a common one seems to be that they’re just out for a good time and if anyone is bothered by their talking then they are taking the game too seriously and should not play...... Similar Editorial : Dislocating the Distractions by Brian Roe. | Source : Baywood Greens Golf Course
Sink Those Putts - Use Your Golfers Instinct One of the worst things a golfer can do is think too much about putting. Its better to take one quick look at the line from behind the ball and another from beyond the hole and then hit the putt based on your first conclusion.Too many golfers examine putts from all directions, plumb-bob with their putters-thats the strange exercise that involves dangling the club vertically in front of your face...... Source : Baywood Greens Golf Course
Improve Distance On The Golf Course One of the most famous of all golf tips is supposedly from Sam Sneed. It says, hold your club as though it were a young bird. You don't want to hurt it, but you don't want it to get away either.This best sums up the notion that very little grip pressure is to control the club. Another way of emphasizing this idea is found in a similar tip: Hold the club so that it is pointing straight up in the...... Similar Editorial : Improve Your Golf by Ian Williamson. | Source : Baywood Greens Golf Course
Improve Your Personal Golf Ability The sheer frustration of continually slicing, hooking, hitting fat or thin, drives many golfers to the edge of desperation. They pay hundreds of dollars to arrange a lesson with their local golf pro to cure the faults in their play. Money that could be spent on other things, including on a day out to keep your other half happy when they complain about the time you spend on the golf course! This...... Similar Editorial : Improve Your Golf Swing by James E Obrien. | Source : Glen Oaks Golf Course
Avoid Discouragement In Your Game Of Golf Crash! The clubs hit the floor in the corner of the changing rooms. Thump! The sound that the golfer made, dropping heavily onto the bench after another bad round. "I am gonna sell those darn clubs and get a new hobby!". The ensuing silence was punctuated only by the others, changing as quietly as they could. They recognised the signs of false discouragement but knew better than to speak at that...... Similar Editorial : Game of Golf by jitesh. | Source : Glen Oaks Golf Course
Make Your Grilling Party A Success Most people who give a backyard grilling party will just buy the sauces from the local grill store or supermarket. But it is not really all that difficult to prepare your own. That will really make your cooking stand out from the rest. Here is a barbecue sauce recipe that can easily be prepared in a... Similar Editorial : Party Punch Recipe by . | Source : Festive Recipes
Tea In China My grandma had a saying which is seldom heard nowadays "I wouldn't do that for all the tea in China!" she would say when pushed to do something that she did not want to do. I guess it arose at a time when tea from China was rare and the preserve of the rich and was something that the masses did n... Similar Editorial : The China Coffee Connection by Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee. | Source : Ceylon Tea
Drink Your Way To Health - Green Tea Green tea has long been recognised as a healthy drink by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine but it is only relatively recently that scientists have attempted to find out if this is true and what the benefits may be. Some of the research has been purely based on observation whilst others h... Similar Editorial : Red wine by Steve Manik. | Source : Ceylon Tea
Oolong Tea - An Up And Coming Variety Oolong tea is believed to have originated in the Wuyi Mountains along the western border of Fujian province, and has been exported from there since the eighteenth century. These mountains are noted for their ninety-nine grotesque cliffs and thirty-six peaks, all of which are said to be covered with ... Similar Editorial : 7 Interesting Facts About Oolong Tea by David Carloni. | Source : Ceylon Tea
Finest Cup Of Green Tea There are maybe as many different ways of preparing the perfect cup of green tea as there are experts. Some recommend the use of tea bags, small muslin bags in which the leaves are placed for the infusion period. To use these, simply pour two or three tea spoons of the leaves inside the tea bag, twi... Similar Editorial : Your Cup of Tea by Joe Rodgers. | Source : Ceylon Tea
Know Your Teas - Types Of Green Tea Health conscious individuals often drink green tea, but did you know that there were many different varieties? In this article, you will find out about 3 of the main types of green tea. You will normally need to approach a specialist gourmet tea company in order to buy the individual types. Similar Editorial : Types of white tea by White Tea Master White Tea Master. | Source : Ceylon Tea
White Tea White tea sounds rather fabulous, and indeed it is, for this tea consists of nothing but buds, which are covered with whitish hairs. A rare tea produced only in China, chiefly in Fujian province, it originally came from wild mountain trees. The connoisseurs seem to have been seeking the ultimate, an... Source : Ceylon Tea
The Miraculous White Tea - Keeping You Healthy Legend has it that tea drinking was invented by accident about 5000 years ago in China. A Chinese emperor had ordered foul water to be boiled and a leaf blew into his cup of hot water. Curiosity then took over and he left the leaf in place. He liked the taste and so the art of tea drinking was born!... Source : Green Tea Loose
Jasmine Chinese Tea Jasmine teas are usually made using Green tea as a base, to which the flowers are added. The floral aroma of a good quality variety is exquisite and as you drink the pale yellow, almost colourless brew, you can just lose yourself in a timeless bubble. This is quite often the most appealing Chinese t... Similar Editorial : Bojenmi Chinese Tea by Angela Sorros. | Source : Oolong Tea Bags
Green Chinese Tea Imagine a drink that is the very essence of nature, capturing the flavours and aromas of a spring mountain meadow, the morning dew combined with the smells of the earth and flowers. A drink that can restore you and keep you healthy. A drink that revives. What a drink that would be! But there is no n... Similar Editorial : Bojenmi Chinese Tea by Angela Sorros. | Source : Oolong Tea Bags
Organic Green Tea - Just What Is Organic Anyway? A traveller saw two fields of tea bushes at the side of the road. In one field, the farmer was happily picking the fresh green young leaves, however in the other, the farmer was spraying his plants to destroy the insects that were ruining his crop. So how come the two crops, situated so close togeth... Similar Editorial : Go Green With Organic Tea by Mayoor Patel. | Source : Green Tea
Organic Green Tea The Chinese have always known that green tea is beneficial to health and there have been many studies that back up these claims. It seems that Green tea contains a variety of beneficial chemicals, including anti-oxidants. With just two or three cups a day you could feel a difference in your body and... Similar Editorial : Your Health Can Improve With Coffee by Guymorris. | Source : Green Tea
Tips And Advice For The Backyard Grill Chef Imagine the scene - the solar lights in the backyard are lighting up the deck, the guests are buzzing with conversation and laughter, drinks in hand. You are at the grill, preparing the fish. Grub up!! The guests take their fish and then are disappointed - THEY WANT MORE!! You have just served them ... Similar Editorial : Five Dynamite Recipes for Backyard Burgers by Danielz.kane. | Source : Crayfish Trap
Cooking Amazing Beef Steaks At Your Backyard One of the most popular grilling foods is steak but it is easy to spoil when grilling outdoors. If you follow these 5 top tips, you can learn how you can produce amazing beef steaks every time!
Quality Food For Your Grilling Party The success of your backyard grilling party will stand or fall by the taste of the food that you give to your guests. In order to give them the best flavors, you should select the best ingredients that you can afford to buy locally. Easier said than done, the best ingredients are not necessarily the... Similar Editorial : Halloween Party Food Ideas For Kids by Dee Power . | Source : Boston Tea Party