With 8 years of teaching and 15 years in Toastmasters, Kathy Thompson really enjoys writing and speaking. She has a B. S. in Business Communications and has taught her programs around the country at various businesses and Adult Education Centers. She writes and speaks about Health, Personal Communications (writing & speaking), and her unique specialty of "Face Reading" has brought her plenty of media attention.Kathy's goal is to help you be all you can be and reach your potential. Reach her at: writing4u@words4-u.com http://www.words4-u.com writing4u@words4-u.cm
Are You Too Critical? First of all, Criticalness breaks up more relationships, than anything else. And that criticalness is usually over the children or money! Criticalness can be seen in eyes that slant down. They not...... Similar Editorial : Mission Critical by mikeherman1. | Source : Family Crafts
WhatS That In My Food! If you drop a bomb, you kill not only your enemies but your friends as well. This is the effect food additives have on humans. Man has existed for thousands of years, and only started using additiv...... Similar Editorial : Whats In A by Sibyl McLendon. | Source : Simple Recipes
Face Check Up Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the healthiest of them all? Here is your handy-dandy checklist for a healthy you. Discover how your face reveals your health. ____1. If you see 12 bloodshot lines i...... Similar Editorial : Face the Facts by pmegan. | Source : Health and Wellness
Speak In Public! Who Me! The first time I had to speak in front of a group was in Air Force boot camp. I had always been very shy, naive, and backward. During Air Force boot camp I was so impressed by my training instruct...... Similar Editorial : Speak Up by Rhoberta Shaler, PhD. | Source : Purpose of Life
Where Do Your Eyes Gaze? The pupils of the eyes will dilate (enlarge) up to four times their normal size when excited. An angry, negative mood causes the pupils to contract (become smaller). When a person is being dishonest ...... Similar Editorial : Look Into My Eyes by Robert Palmer. | Source : Positive Affirmations
Sandra Bullocks Face Reveals The long face indicates she is assertive, belligerent, inventive, resourceful, and a leader. She feels fear. Works best independently, and has to learn self-confidence. Forehead is domed and hig...... Similar Editorial : Trw Reveals Next by Anthony Fontanelle. | Source : Advice for Women
Primary Colors (DVD) Review Based on the best-selling book by the same name, Primary Colors is a beyond belief film about a smooth-operating candidate who runs for President of the United States. When the book first hit shelves in 1996, Primary Colors drew immediate parallels between its chief character and the then sitt... Similar Editorial : Primary Pulmonary Hypertension by . | Source : New Movie Trailers
You Are In Control! Seriously, you can. I am going to show you how you can do this. What you are about to discover is so easy and unique, everyone can do it. Our world would be better off.If someone told you "You're getting fat", how would you react? If someone told you "You're getting gray," how would you react? Would you be hurt, angry, or make a joke of it?You have a choice. You choose your behavior and how you...... Similar Editorial : Pain Control by raymondlee12. | Source : Encouragement Words
How To Find A Good Adware Removal Tool? Some unscrupulous webmasters will plant scripts or codes on their WebPages in order to infiltrate your pc and that is why you must have a Adware Removal Software. One of the most effective ways to stop spyware and adware is the use of computer firewall protection or Adware Removal Software.Have you ever wondered, why would you need an Free Adware Removal tool? You see Free Adware Removal being...... Similar Editorial : Adware And Spyware Removal by Boggle. | Source : Rootkit
Disney-mgm Studios Prepares For 2007 Abc Super Soap Weekend Meet your favorite soap opera stars from "All My Children," "One Life to Live" and "General Hospital," as well as enjoy "On Location" autograph sessions, Star Conversations interviews, celebrity motorcades, game shows and soap opera memorabilia at the ABC Super Soap Weekend at Disney-MGM Studios on November 10-11, 2007 from 8 AM to 9 PM. In addition, actors from the SOAPNet series, "General...... Similar Editorial : Walt Disney by Neil Millar. | Source : Disney California Adventure
What The Face Reveals The left side of the face personal appears guarded. The left eye looks stark, almost glazed. The right side professional appears more relaxed. The right eye is more open and receptive... Similar Editorial : A Slap In The Face by Steve Meade. | Source : games about women