Kathy Gates is a Professional Life Coach in Scottsdale AZ. If you liked this article, you’ll love her “7 SECRETS To A Great Life" program. Get more information at her website Real Life Coach, http://www.reallifecoach.com/success.htm and sign up for the newsletter. kathy@reallifecoach.com
Keep Your Home Happier It turns out your mother was right after all -- Happiness really does begin at home, with the things and the people you are surrounded by. Your vision is one of the first messengers to send signals ...... Similar Editorial : Is Your Home by TC Thorn. | Source : Accessories for Your House
Whats Stopping You? We're all familiar with the cycle: We want new, but resist change. We want satisfaction, but procrastinate. We want control, but defer to circumstance. So, what’s stopping *you*? A belie...... Similar Editorial : Stopping Heartburn by sciguy40. | Source : Self help Articles
Instant Willpower We’ve all heard people say “I have a system”. Ever since I was a little girl and watched my mother put together a grocery list, I’ve known -- and used -- the power of systems. Systems help take...... Similar Editorial : How To Build Willpower by Amanda Julynn. | Source : Good First Impression
7 SECRETS To A Great Life A great life doesn’t happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be. A great life is the result of usin...... Similar Editorial : Secrets Of Self by Han Ming . | Source : Dealing with Divorce
10 Things Between You And A Great Life 1. Unfinished business: Free yourself from the past byidentifying and cleaning up your unfinished business.Call an end to whatever you started - a project, a diet, afeud, a commitment - by dumping it, delegating it, ordoing it.2. Ignoring the Present: Today is a result of all theToday's that came before it. A well lived present willnaturally produce wonderful future. Save a dollar today,and you'll...... Similar Editorial : A Great Life by Andy West. | Source : Life Guide
10 Ways To Spring Clean Your LIFE 1. Clean out the anger, hatred, jealousy, and self doubt.2. Move out the frustrations, and lack of communication. Wash away delay and procrastination.3. Dust off your attitude, and put on a fresh coat of positive.4. Throw out misunderstanding, and lack of patience.Sweep out the dirt of gossip or lies5. Recycle old relationships, roles, and routines that nolonger work into a new, useable form. 6....... Similar Editorial : Spring into Spring by Lorraine Pirihi. | Source : Life Guide
4 Super Reasons You Will Love "Easifying" Your Life Are you someone who wants a simpler life, but who associates simplifying with giving away everything you own, and going back to baking your own bread? Unfortunately, that attitude can scare you away from making the simple (pardon the pun) kind of changes that can make your life so much easier, better, and happier. Instead, let's agree that simplifying means whatever you want it to mean in your own...... Similar Editorial : Super Rules by Darby Higgs. | Source : American Attitudes
7 Weeks To A Happier Life Life is usually what we make it. Wait a minute -- didI say "make it"? I know, I know, the conventionaltheory is that "life happens" -- um, yeah, I cleanedthat up a bit.And while there are things that none of us can control-- weather, economy, construction crews, other people-- there are many things that you are in charge of.These are the things that help you lead a happier life.Put one into place...... Similar Editorial : Keep Your Home Happier by Kathy Gates. | Source : American Attitudes
7 Ways To Put Your Life On A Diet Life is hard enough without piling more and moreexpectations on yourself. It's like trying to diet in achocolate factory! Instead try these 7 ways to help youlighten up, reduce worry, and give yourself a break. You'llcome out on the other side with a simpler, happier, easierlife.1. Decide Right Now To Expect Nothing."Wait a minute", you say, "if I expect nothing, won't I getnothing?" Of course you...... Similar Editorial : The Diet by Simon Mitchell.
5 Crucial Questions That Can Change Your Life Ever feel like you're stuck in a mud hole on the Road to Happiness? Ask yourself these crucial questions and see where you can shore up your spinning tires. 1. Time: How do you spend your time? Is it wasted time, or refreshing time? Does it take your toward your goals, or away from them? Are you consciously spending time, or just letting it happen? It's an age-old proverb, but every single person...... Similar Editorial : Content is Crucial by Akanksha Sinha.
How To Find Your Real Self Again On the surface it seems an odd idea that you couldactually be anything other than who you really are. Butfrom the time we can talk, we're being programmed to"fit in". We find ourselves conforming in order toplease the people we love, and who love us. Butsometimes that means that you have to suppress whatyou know is the real person inside.If you're ready to get re-acquainted with someone youhaven't...... Similar Editorial : Real Muscle Real Fast by Jesse Cannone. | Source : The Power Of Positive Thinking
7 Ways To Push Past Procrastination When you find yourself procrastinating on a particular project, or just delaying in general, it is always a good idea to ask why. If a task is difficult, it's difficultfor a reason; you need to know what that reason is, even if it'sjust a nagging habit you've developed.Yes, procrastination can be just a habit, and sometimessociety even rewards you for delaying action, such as lateseason Christmas...... Similar Editorial : The Pitfalls of Procrastination by Lorraine Pirihi. | Source : The Power Of Positive Thinking
Beat The Procrastination Blues Ever find yourself delaying and delaying on something untilit becomes a crisis? That's when Procrastination has takencharge of your life -- instead of YOU being in charge ofyour life.Procrastination is as natural to human beings as eating. It's easy to do things we want to do, but the things we finddifficult or unpleasant are what we put off. And sometimesdelaying a little bit here and there is...... Similar Editorial : Rat Race Blues E by Bonnie Jo Davis. | Source : How To Stop Procrastinating