Why Doctors Are Poor And Computer Geeks Are Rich In the old days, doctors were the rich ones who drove huge cars, had big houses and were well-respected. And the computer geeks, well, did not exist. Now the doctors are struggling with car loans and mortgage repayments, and Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. What happened ?Here are some reasons given :1. Rich Dad Poor Dad feels sorry for doctors. Many of them are woefully financially...... Similar Editorial : Grapefruits vs Doctors Drugs by Julian. | Source : Money Making Opportunities
Confessions Of A Personal Finance Blogger I have been trying to find out more about making money on the internet as a result of a little google ad that popped up next to one of my articles. Since then, I have been sucked into the world of internet marketing and while I've learnt a lot, I can't say I've really enjoyed myself. I like writing for the sake of writing and to have to keep adjusting my point of view to slant it a little towards...... Similar Editorial : What is Blogger by Jakob Jelling. | Source : Finance Help
The Tortoise Has Retired, The Hare Is Still Running Many people spend their time hoping to get rich quickly, like winning the lottery, or getting an unexpected inheritance from a distant relative. The reality for most is that, like the tortoise in the old story we heard as children, slow and steady wins the race !The tortoise and the hare both started at the same starting point in life. Both came from middle-class families. They were neither so...... Similar Editorial : Retired Military Loan by John B Mayall. | Source : Spousal Ira
Investing Is Like Playing Tennis I'm not a professional tennis player. I'm not even a tennis player. The last time I touched a tennis racket was 5 years ago. But I did read about how a professional tennis player aims to hit as many balls to the opponent to make him miss, in order to win. An amateur , on the other hand, aims to try to catch as many balls as possible, aiming not to make any mistakes till his opponent eventually...... Similar Editorial : Playing Tennis With Injuries by Jim Brown. | Source : Best Stock Investment
Acne Medicine - The Role Of Antibiotics Of the different types of acne medicine that need a doctor's prescription, antibiotics are probably the most commonly used. How they work though in the treatment of acne is not exactly clear. For example, when antibiotics are used in the treatment of an infection such as a pneumonia, their effect by killing bacteria is quickly seen. However, in acne, antibiotics may take up to two months to show...... Similar Editorial : Vibrational Medicine by Simon Mitchell. | Source : Acne Skin
Acne Medicine - There Is No Magic Cure You know what I hate about acne medicine? There is no instant cure. Acne is considered a chronic disease. But it can be an acute social emergency as well. Anyone who has suddenly had a huge pimple 3 days before the biggest party of the year can tell you that.I remember getting really tired of faithfully applying my various over-the-counter topical acne medicines and seeing no results. I must have...... Similar Editorial : Vibrational Medicine by Simon Mitchell. | Source : Acne Skin
Acne Medicine, Isotretinoin - The Price Of Beauty When 13-cis retinoic acid or isotretinoin first came out as an acne medicine, it was regarded as a wonderful new way of treating acne, especially severe acne. It appeared to be able to cure acne, especially the severe from known as cystic acne.I have a friend who has very severe acne. She is actually quite pretty. Unfortunately, it is hard to notice that as the acne seems to take all the attention...... Similar Editorial : Vibrational Medicine by Simon Mitchell. | Source : Acne Skin
Acne - They Called Me Scar-face " Thou are all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee." Song of Solomon 4:7. The above passage was taken from the old testament in the Bible. Even then, people equated beauty with good clear skin. The unfortunate who have acne, or worse, acne scars, while no longer publicly ostracised today, are still not regarded as beautiful as though with clear skin. Acne scars are terrible to have. They are...... Similar Editorial : Down with Acne by Beth Scott. | Source : Acne Skin
Acne - What My Grandmother Told Me I can still remember when I first became an acne sufferer. Ok, maybe not the exact day. It started with one little spot. And then a few more came. Before I knew it, suddenly there was a whole colony of spots. A few had even joined forces to form mega-sized pimples. And that was when everyone, including my grandmother and her postman, had an opinion about why I had acne and what to do about it. It...... Similar Editorial : Down with Acne by Beth Scott. | Source : Acne Skin
Investing Is Like Dating, Marriage And Marriage With Children Investing in stocks and mutual funds has been compared to dating, buying investment properties like a marriage, and starting up a business like being married with children. I am beginning to find out how true it is.Why are buying stocks like dating ? For a start, you can get in quickly and easily. With some capital, you just need a broker, or an online account, and you can start buying stocks...... Similar Editorial : Getting More From Dating by Alan Detwiler. | Source : Summit Investment
Ten Ways To Save Money When You Have Children The whole society is geared to getting people to spend money for their children. When was the last time you had to buy a child's meal just so that he could get that free toy, and end up finishing the meal yourself ?Here's my ten ways to save money.1. Take them to parks instead of shopping malls. If they don't see the temptations, they don't want them. If they don't want them, no temper tantrums to...... Similar Editorial : Ways To Save Fuel by Brenda Williams. | Source : Convert Dollars To English Pounds
Lessons On Spending From Wisteria Lane I love the series Desperate Housewives. Unfortunately, I only discovered it when it was well into its third season. As a result, I had to borrow the DVDs of the earlier episodes, so you will forgive me if my examples may seem a little dated.Most people have putting aside money for retirement as one of their financial goals. That requires having a sum of money with which to invest, and hopefully...... Similar Editorial : Stay in Your Lane by Justin Anderson. | Source : Best Money Market Accounts
Reasons People Drink Alcohol For example, if you want to move into a new area of marketing, it is easier to start with marketing products from the industry you are already working in, or products related to one of your hobbies... Similar Editorial : 12 Step Alcohol Program by Todd Lange.
Second Marriage With Children What we cannot do as human beings, God can do! Second marriages with children can succeed when you allow God to help you! No matter how hard it is, He will never let you down, because He works within...... Similar Editorial : Air Travel With Children by Lee Dobbins.