Jonathan Sapling writes extensively on depression and related mental health issues. To read more about depression go to his Depression Site Or visit his blog about: Mental Health News
Knowing And Understanding The Different Types Of Depression Learn how to differentiate between types of depression, signs, causes and treatment. This is the first step toward understanding depression, getting the appropriate treatment and taking that step.Alcohol DepressionAs the name implies, alcohol depression is the lows that follow periods of excessive drinking. Guilt, remorse, and shame play a huge part in this type of depression, and nothing short of...... Similar Editorial : Understanding The Types by danlesser. | Source : Anti Depressant Drugs
Information On Depression: Where To Look Information on depression can be found in many places and in many ways. To find information on depression suitable for your needs, continue reading. The major sources of information on depression are professional journals, magazines, books, newspapers and of course, the Internet.Medical practitionerOne of the best sources for information on depression is your family doctor. Your healthcare...... Similar Editorial : What Is Depression by marclindsay. | Source : Anti Depressant Drugs
Alcohol And Anxiety: Alcohol Aggravates Anxiety Symptoms Alcohol and anxiety can be a treacherous combination.Research suggests that the prevalence of alcohol dependence is twice as high in people with anxiety disorders than in the general population.According to a recent report by the National Institute of Health (NIH), anxiety is a strong psychological risk factor associated with heavy or problem drinking. Other risk factors include an impulsive...... Similar Editorial : Effects of Alcohol by . | Source : Drug Rehab
Social Anxiety Disorder: Dropping Out Of The Mainstream Victims of social anxiety disorder live in constant fear. Can you imagine how humiliated and terrified you would be if every single time you were in a social situation you felt like everyone in the room was watching you, laughing at you and judging you?Everyone is capable of getting a little nervous when giving a formal presentation or meeting people for the first time. But for the 10 million...... Similar Editorial : Anxiety Disorder Treatment by harton. | Source : Anxiety Attacks
Separation Anxiety Torments Children And Their Parents Separation anxiety can strike when you least expect it.Five-year old Jessica seemed relatively calm about her first day in kindergarten and her parents had no reason to suspect that separation anxiety would be a problem. She smiled sweetly as her father snapped her picture while she was getting into the car in her shiny new shoes with her hair in pigtails and a pink Dora the Explorer backpack in...... Similar Editorial : Children with Separation Anxiety by Dr. Randy Cale, Ph.D.. | Source : Anxiety Attacks
Do You Know The General Anxiety Disorder Symptoms? People who suffer from general anxiety disorder symptoms suffer from persistent worry and tension that is much worse than the anxiety most people experience from time to time. The high level or chronic state of anxiety associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) can make ordinary activities difficult or even impossible.The main symptom of GAD is an exaggerated or unfounded state of worry...... Similar Editorial : Anxiety Disorder Symptoms by karinmanning. | Source : Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety Panic Disorder - Sheer Terror For Victims Crippling fear disables victims of anxiety panic disorder. The attacks can strike out of nowhere and for no apparent reason.Take Joan, for example. Everything in her environment seemed so perfect on that balmy spring afternoon that Joan could never have imagined that anxiety panic disorder was about to change her life forever.The kids brought home excellent report cards, her patio was filled with...... Similar Editorial : Panic Disorder Information by Gaia22. | Source : Anxiety Attacks
Lexapro Can Help You Gain Control Of Your Anxiety Lexapro is a commonly prescribed drug used to treat anxiety. Lexapro is sometimes used in combination with counseling or psychotherapy to alleviate anxiety symptoms.There are several types of anxiety medications.The widely used type is called a SRI (Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor), and Lexapro anxiety drug falls into that category. These medications, by changing the balance of a substance in the...... Similar Editorial : Immaterial Gain by Eric Shapiro. | Source : Anxiety Attacks