J.C.Melo is a 73-years old IT professional with 54 years of experience in computer science & technology entrepreneurship. He was the owner of the first minicomputer factory in South America and Consultant for the U.S. Government in several contracts. Now is the CEO of the organization http://mba-open-university.net.
The New Ways To Do The Business: MBA Or CIO? The old and standard business administration concepts included in any current MBA program are very important, but today the companies are very different. This new situation strong demands a new MBA p...... Similar Editorial : Seven Ways to Say by Gerry McRae. | Source : Money Tip
Berseem Cultivars Salinity Tolerance & Early Seedling Salinity tolerance of some cultivars of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) during germination and early seedling growthShipra Agarwal(1), Neha Agarwal(2), Alka(3) and P. Kumar(4)*Botany Department, Hindu College, Moradabad- 244001, India(1) grwl_sp1110@yahoo.com, (2) agarwal_jan@yahoo.com (3) a_alka333@rediff.com, (4) kumarp_111@yahoo.co.in* Corresponding authorABSTRACT: The salinity tolerance of...... Source : Inorganic Chemistry