3G Iphone Coming To The Uk? The 3G iPhone hasn't been confirmed yet but that hasn't stopped the whole host of rumours that have been going around about what features it will include and which country it will make it to first. There have been cases given why the iPhone won't be over here any time soon and also cases why it may be over here a lot sooner than we think. O2 have apparently said that they are expecting a...... Similar Editorial : Coming Soon by Evander Klum. | Source : Iphone Internet
Mobile Phones - Nokias Concept Smell Phone Twenty five lucky Industrial Design MA students from the College of Art and Design in London have been working hard to create concept phones that will be capable of providing customers with 4G or 5G devices. The students were working for a cash prize and for a once in a lifetime chance to work alongside the design team at Nokia. Another exciting thing for the team of students was that their...... Similar Editorial : PDA Mobile Phones by Darren Allsop. | Source : N Gage Software
Broadband - Voluntary Code Launched With Ofcom revealing that over half of all households in Britain have Broadband, compared to just 39 per cent a couple of years ago and then a seven-fold increase over the last five years, it is no wonder that there is now a more widely spread concern that people are not getting the broadband speed that they have been promised. This is one of the reasons why communications regulator, Ofcom, have...... Similar Editorial : Broadband Vs by J Tillotson. | Source : Mp3 Cell Phones
Mobile Phone Projector The multimedia features that mobile phones have now are fantastic and phone snow have virtually anything you could possibly need to keep you entertained on the move, the only problem is that the screen is far too tiny to watch for any length of time. The answer to this problem may be just around the corner as the company, Texas Instruments may have a solution. The company has developed a very...... Similar Editorial : Digital Projector by Namsing Then. | Source : Cell Phones Card
Watch Freeview On Your Mobile Phone Mobile phone companies have been trying to get Television into phones for a while now but they have never come to much in the UK. This may be due to a lack of interest from the general public who don't seem very impressed with the idea. This said, LG's new HB620T enables you to watch TV on it and does seem to be grabbing more attention. A reason for this phone gaining more interest than...... Similar Editorial : Freeview Digital TV by Alden Jerry. | Source : Cell Phones Card
Send Kisses Through Your Mobile Phone A "Freelance Inventor" has come up with a very strange, yet fascinating mobile phone that will be able to send your kisses to a loved one. George Koussouros is the inventor behind the kissphone that has the purpose of transmitting kisses from one person to another (as long as they both have the kissphone). This gadget does not have one of the nicest designs and looks to be a fairly chunky...... Similar Editorial : Uses of Mobile Phone by Ian Ball. | Source : Cell Phones Card
Travel Insurance Claims For many of us going on holiday is a fun, adventurous and exciting time, however; there are some who aren't that lucky.Every year travel insurance companies receive numerous claims as a result of holiday disasters. Here are just a few of the more bizarre claims that insurers deal with:1. A couple on their holiday in Malaysia had returned to their hotel room only to find that some local monkeys...... Similar Editorial : Auto Accident Insurance Claims by peter1. | Source : Cheap Travel Insurance
Getting The Best Loan Some simple tips may be enough to enable you to increase your chances of getting the best loan available for you.The credit crunch is making many lenders very wary about who they lend to, so to make sure that you get the best offer you can it is important that you check your credit record is as good as it can be. The lenders want to make sure that you are somebody they would want to lend to.The...... Similar Editorial : New Car Loan by James Gunaseelan. | Source : Debt Consolidation Loan For People With Bad Credit
Personal Loans - Lent Without Checking Income Last year UK banks lent a total of ?20.9 billion on personal loans without checking people's income.Research by a leading comparison site found that 70 per cent of loan applicants were not questioned on how much money they earned. A further 45 per cent of people borrowed loans from banks which weren't their own, meaning that the bank had even less information on their client. A shocking 15...... Similar Editorial : Personal loans by Amanda Thompson. | Source : Christian Debt Solutions
Secured Loans - The Benefits There are a vast amount of different loans that you could choose from, so choosing a secured loan that puts your property up as a guarantee seems like a risk. However, because your property is the security, the lender considers this type of loan less of a risk and it is therefore quite easy to obtain.A secured loan also offers you the benefit of borrowing larger amounts and having longer to repay...... Similar Editorial : All About Secured Loans by James Copper. | Source : Secured Personal Loan
Debt Management - An Introduction When trying to organise all of your debts you will no doubt feel stressed and worried, especially if you do not know how you are going to deal with them.If this is the case, you may find that the best thing for you to do is to seek professional debt management advice.Debt management is a method that aims to find the most affordable and practical way for you to pay back the money you owe. To go...... Similar Editorial : Bad Debt Management by ashtongabriel. | Source : Freedom Debt Management
Car Insurance Motorists Tip The new 08 number plates are available and as a result, this is the dealer's busiest time of the year, so this is the best time for car owners to remember that they could save themselves a lot of money if they were to shop around for their car insurance.Recent research has uncovered that drivers are currently spending ?1.9 billion over the odds on the insurance for their cars. According to a...... Similar Editorial : Need Insurance by Atty. Gabriel Cosh. | Source : Auto Car Insurance Quote
Car Insurance - Women Need More Cover UK female drivers need to make sure that they have comprehensive car insurance that will also cover any items that are inside their cars.Information that Sheilas' Wheels collected showed that women in the UK usually leave items that are worth ?129 in their cars and therefore really need comprehensive car insurance.The information also showed how the growing popularity of going out after work,...... Similar Editorial : Need Insurance by Atty. Gabriel Cosh. | Source : Canadian Auto Insurance
Car Loans At Risk Northern Ireland is said to have seen an increase of ?2,105 in just one year on the cost of running a car.With car prices rising due to petrol prices increasing and the cost of road tax going up, car loans are being put at risk. The AA has discovered that heavy resale losses are also adding to the list of reasons why the cost of keeping a car has risen at four times the rate of inflation.Those...... Similar Editorial : High Risk Loans by Kara Wade. | Source : Auto Loan Rate Comparison
Credit Card Fraud Credit card fraud and identity theft are two very real worries nowadays and if it was to happen to you, it could cause you to suffer with stress and financial problems.Withdrawing money from a cash machine is something people do everyday without giving it a second thought, but you could be giving your personal information away without even knowing it.A spokesperson from Cambridgeshire police has...... Similar Editorial : Credit Card vs by James H. Dimmitt. | Source : Credit Card Application