Holistic Health Health is defined by the WHO as 'a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely an absence of diseases or infirmity'. Flexible adjustment to the changing demands of environment is hea...... Similar Editorial : How Holistic Healing Works by teahupoo. | Source : Family Health Guide
The New Age Movement New Age - A Paradigm Shift to Divine Consciousness & a Universal Philosophy The New Age Movement (NAM) is a revival of spiritual and divine values and can be called as a Divine Regeneration Movemen...... Similar Editorial : Theories of Market Movement by Kelly Price. | Source : Build Self Confidence
Builders Banking On Pune For Land Banks Pune, the erstwhile infotech hub, is more in news for its real-estate transactions than it's IT and ITES growth. Pune's property segment has witnesses unprecedented growth because of the booming IT and ITES segment. This caused a surge in the demand of the office, residential and commercial ... Similar Editorial : Pune Real Estate by George Gonigal. | Source : Apartments in India
Clinical Investigation Of Moldy Corn Poisoning In Nepal District Clinical-Epidemiological Investigation of Moldy Corn Poisoning in at Udayapur District, Nepal 1. Dr.Kedar KarkiSenior .Vet. Officer,Dr.Poornima Manandhar SVOCentral Vet. Laboratory. Tripureswor Kathmandu NepalAbstract:An clinical epidemiological investigation of Acute sudden death syndrome due to which 31 mules from a herd of 9oo died within the period of 2006-7-12 to2006-10-21 in Udayapur...... Similar Editorial : Travel Nepal by Mahendra. | Source : Genetic Human Diseases
Spectrophotometric Of Simvastatin & Ezetimibe In Tablet Formulae Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Estimation of Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Tablet Formulation.N. M. BHATIA*, D. D. DESHMUKH, S. U. KOKIL AND M. S. BHATIADepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Near Chitranagri, Kolhapur-416013.*For correspondence: neelabhatia@yahoo.co.ukAbstract:A simple, sensitive and rapid spectrophotometric method has been developed for...... Source : Physical Chemistry
Berseem Cultivars Salinity Tolerance & Early Seedling Salinity tolerance of some cultivars of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) during germination and early seedling growthShipra Agarwal(1), Neha Agarwal(2), Alka(3) and P. Kumar(4)*Botany Department, Hindu College, Moradabad- 244001, India(1) grwl_sp1110@yahoo.com, (2) agarwal_jan@yahoo.com (3) a_alka333@rediff.com, (4) kumarp_111@yahoo.co.in* Corresponding authorABSTRACT: The salinity tolerance of...... Source : Inorganic Chemistry
Extension Education Reform : Ii-Technology SummaryThe technology delivery system need information on social structure and adoption procedures. An innovative change to induce more adoption has been discussed. New approaches, women empowerment, self help options, administrative bottlenecks, issues, problems and new vistas have been discussed.Knowledge reasoning for low adoption, crop production constraints, communication links, technology...... Similar Editorial : The Web and Education by A.R. Linder. | Source : Chemistry Review
Extension Education Reformation - I - New Reformation Models Summary Technology akin to farming existing in an ecosystem need to be generated. It needs location specific perfection and adoption. This could be possible by supporting KVK & Extension system with technology testing and refinement. Thus the whole discipline of Agricultural Extension need reforms. On the basis of a broad review presented in this paper, following recommendations could be deduced...... Similar Editorial : Education and Outsourcing by Joop Liefaard. | Source : Chemistry Review
Disadvantaged Adolescents In Thailand And India NEED AND CONTEXT It has been observed that the recent economic growth in the Asian cities indicate that there has been a breakdown of traditional support systems such as the family because of rapid urbanization and modernization. Moreover, a large number of people are living below the poverty line in impoverished environment in urban and rural communities. Their acute needs for housing, food,...... Similar Editorial : Hanging around in Thailand by Gary Mortimer. | Source : Culinary Schools Orlando
Your Career As Optometrist YOUR CAREER as OPTOMTERISTIntroducationAn optometrist is a primary health care professional who is institutionally educated and clinically trained in the art and science of optometry.he is required to examine the eye and the visual system diagnose the visual defects and problems ,prescribe and provide remedial, corrective treatment If any pathological condition is detected during the examination...... Similar Editorial : Nine Career by John Robertson. | Source : Career Services Employment