Associate Professor, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, MA in English Language and PhD in Applied Linguistics & ELT, interested in phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, testing, error analysis, methodology, poetry, literary criticism, etc
Teaching Efl Pronunciation: Why, What And How? IntroductionPronunciation is an integrated and integral part of second/foreign language learning since it directly affects learners' communicative competence as well as performance to a substantial extent. Notwithstanding, the teaching of EFL pronunciation has received varied treatment from having no room in the synthetic syllabus and the grammar-translation method to being the cardinal focus in...... Similar Editorial : Teaching in Korea by Joey Bennett. | Source : Learn Dutch
Studying Language Through Folklore IntroductionThe general studies of the varied aspects of social life that interest us to a substantial extent include folkloristics, sociolinguistics, sociology, social and cultural anthropology, ethnology and ethnography. Though these studies are known and established as different subjects of learning or disciplines, it is not always possible to make a clear distinction between them. They are...... Similar Editorial : Online Studying by Kain. | Source : Learn Dutch
Interlanguage Study Relevance At Tertiary Level IntroductionA second/foreign language learner takes a linguistic journey from his/her mother tongue to the target language and naturally constructs a personal linguistic system in the interim time. This individual system is termed 'interlanguage' (Selinker 1969, 1972), 'approximative system' (Nemser 1971), 'transitional competence' (Corder 1967), or 'idiosyncratic dialect' (Corder...... Similar Editorial : An ADD Case Study by Jennifer Koretsky. | Source : Learn Dutch
Best Audio Aids In EFL Class IntroductionIt is sometimes time-consuming and/or exhausting to make second/foreign language materials (either newly constructed or adapted) suitable and acceptable to the learner because he/she may feel uninterested in and even disappointed with them as he/she finds them unfamiliar, difficult, problematic, mechanical, unattractive and so forth. Besides, the teaching methods and techniques the...... Similar Editorial : Aids and Symptoms by Ahmed Fouad. | Source : Learning French Fast
Learning And Proficiency Of EFL Learners IntroductionThe learning situation or the classroom essentially plays a momentous role in the learning of the foreign language since the learner has no access to the target language beyond the classroom door (Brown 2001). That is, it is the classroom where the foreign language (FL) learner receives the input from the teacher, practises the target language skills with the teacher and the fellow...... Similar Editorial : The Art of Learning by Dr. Tim Sams. | Source : Learning French Fast
Avoidance Behaviour In Efl Learning: A Study Of Undergraduates IntroductionWhen speaking or writing an L2, the learner is often found to try to avoid using difficult words or structures, and use some simpler words or structures instead. This phenomenon in L2 learning/acquisition is termed 'avoidance behaviour' first brought to light by Schachter (1974). According to Kleinmann (1977, 1978), avoidance behabiour is a strategy that the L2 learner may resort...... Similar Editorial : The Art of Learning by Dr. Tim Sams. | Source : Learning French Fast
Language Problems Of Bengali EFL Learners IntroductionTo acquire command of a second/foreign language, the learner formally learns mainly the basic skills of the target language ? listening, speaking, reading and writing. And listening and speaking, a receptive and a productive skill respectively, unavoidably depend on pronunciation to a substantial extent. Tench (1981: 1) rightly maintains - Pronunciation is not an optional extra for the...... Similar Editorial : Watch Your Language by Annagail Lynes. | Source : Learning French Fast
English Linguistic Problems Of Bengali Speaking Learners IntroductionForeign language learning occurs in the formal situation of a classroom, and the learner has hardly any access to the target language beyond the classroom door (Brown 2001). And in this formal situation, he/she receives instruction and practises in the items entirely related to the basic skills of the target language- listening, speaking, reading and writing. That is, the items...... Similar Editorial : Speaking of Success by Philip E. Humbert, Ph.D.. | Source : Learning French Fast
R. K. Narayans Attitude Towards The English Language R. K. Narayan's attitude towards the English language: a postcolonial posture, a utilitarian gestureAbstractThis paper is intended to examine R. K. Narayan's attitude towards the English language as reflected in his essays. Narayan (1906-2001) was born and grown up in a period when English education was already institutionalised in the Indian Sub-continent. Like other Indian writers in...... Source : Study Japanese Language