THE “SEVEN Csâ€: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - The 6th C: Changing Vision A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 6th C: Changing Vision In order for a business to be a success the vision and mission must b...... Source : Business Guide
THE “SEVEN Csâ€: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - The 5th C: Control Issues A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 5th C: Control Issues When control is in the picture it is a lose/lose proposition. First, i...... Source : Business Guide
TIME MANAGEMENT? NO! Many people want to be coached to manage their time better. I say NO! to that. You cannot manage time anyway; it just keeps ticking away no matter what you do. What you can do is manage yourself base...... Similar Editorial : Time Management by | Source : Creative Problem Solving
Get Out Those Legos Many of my clients are working harder than smarter. This is not a put-down of their intelligence. It is a statement about the conventions of the way most of us live and work. Without a concerted effo...... Source : Creative Problem Solving
Top 10 Ways To Start Living A More Meaningful Life Here are 10 ideas about living a meaningful life, as I understand them. Embracing even a few of these will help you begin the exciting journey of self discovery. We are all here for a purpose. Your being here makes a difference. Your purpose may be obscure to you and a challenge to discover. Start now. There are many resources, coaches and books to help you with this endeavor.The secret to...... Similar Editorial : Stop Dieting Start Living by gautam_hn.