Dale Rogers is a bad credit mortgage expert who contrubutes to the Broken Credit Blog website. Broken Credit Blog is a free site online assisting the public with information on credit repair, responsible mortgage lending, and refinancing.Dale Rogershttp://www.brokencredit.com http://www.sellerhelpsbuyer.com
Country Music: The Sound Of Music Country music (also known as country and western music or just country western), is a blend of popular Southern US musical. With its roots deeply set in folk music, Celtic tunes, blues, and gospel music it evolved rapidly in the 1920s. The term Country Music began to be commonly used in the 1940s an... Similar Editorial : Country Kitchen Colors by imagegal. | Source : Learn Music
Government Program Helps First Time Homebuyers If you have 5% or higher FHA loans going into foreclosure is it prudent to throw the baby out with the bath water or would it be better to coach up and counsel the buyers to slow down the default rates. Many feel this was a knee jerk reaction to a program that had worked for many years to provid... Similar Editorial : First Time Homebuyers Tips by Martin Lukac. | Source : Vacation Home Properties
Bernanke Looks At Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Bernanke, in the recent past, had been urging in a passive way for the two heavy weights to lighten their portfolios. Now, it is more pointed with a strong message to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to focus more on affordable housing and less risky loans. The Option ARMs where massive foreclosures a... Similar Editorial : Fannie Mae Foreclosure Listings by Gary Giardina. | Source : Start Investing In Real Estate
Second Look At Low Real Estate Offers Foreclosures in the country have pushed past over one million homes. Couple that with folks just trying to sell their home for whatever reason and there is a glut of homes in many markets. While this level is high it is within many historical swings of the past. The point of this discussion is t... Similar Editorial : Real Estate by Dan Auito. | Source : Florida Real Estate Sale
When There Is Blood In The Street-buy Now! The public, when it comes to investment opportunities, is usually late and guilty of betting on the wrong pony. It's just the way it is always been throughout the history of our republic. Depending on the geographic location, there are many bountiful opportunities to locate, buy at a deep disco... Similar Editorial : Customizing Your Street Car by Shane Hester. | Source : Virginia Real Estate Agents
Real Estate Investment With Bad Credit After shoveling for a solid three years to get out of the debt hole they had created, Allen and Monica were making some progress. In a full effort to put their past credit history behind them there was still some nagging credit issues to get handled before they would be considered to have taken ... Similar Editorial : Investment In Real Estate by jamesklo. | Source : Commercial Real Estate Advertising
Identity Thieves & Scammers | Crimes Of Fraud As Brian Hansen demonstrated with one of the “tracked” cards, the card was gone in seconds and major purchases were being made all over the world within minutes. Cards became maxed out quickly. Billing cycles being what they are, by the time a cardholder’s statement rolls in it’s too late. Since no card was stolen, the arm wrestling begins with the card issuer of the liability on the charges. As...... Similar Editorial : Self Identity by Steven Gillman. | Source : Identity Theft Statistics
Tax Payers Advice There won’t be a pair of pants big enough to remove the evidence of this pork outrage from the Depositary For The National Archives. Participants will be left with explaining to their future heirs and families their roles as a fully operation “Porkmeister”. Under the faint shield of just getting their ‘due’ for their district deals are struck and America’s future is mortgaged up to its eyeballs....... Similar Editorial : Advice on Self by Manuela Anne-Marie Pop. | Source : Property Tax History
When Banks Are Left To Their Own DevicesConsumers Get The Hosed Draped in the cloak of “good deeds” of community service and efforts of “giving back” many large banks give the appearance of upstanding business citizens. This too may a bit contrived as many bank charters are subject to a percentage of “giving back” to the community as a condition of maintaining their seat. If this provision were removed, how much “giving back” would really happen? There are...... Similar Editorial : Dont Get Left Behind by Heather Brunson. | Source : Current Account Interest Rates
Abusive Credit Card Companies "Some" of the Credit Card Companies offer a good product and decent service providing Americans with the convenience and back up of a credit card when not carrying a lot of cash on person. Much of the online business and other travel and such have to be conducted by some sort of plastic. Credit card possession and usage is a cornerstone of conducting business in the U.S. It creates fluidity to...... Similar Editorial : Credit Card vs by James H. Dimmitt. | Source : Secured Credit Card Uk
Mugged While Sleeping...leads To Credit Repair On the way home from work, Tom looked at a short list on his "to do list" and began sequencing the list into a logical travel pattern to minimize crisscrossing. Sunday grilling with family and guests were an important event around the pool while cooling off and just chilling and relaxing and disengaging from the challenges and stress from work. This would be another great weekend. While at the...... Similar Editorial : Babies and Sleeping by Morgan Hamilton. | Source : Credit Repair Software
Unpaid Medical Bills & Bad Credit It had been a particularly daunting day as a new trainee customer service representative of a company with a bad product and lots of vocal complaints. Many asked to talk to the supervisor and after the turn over, the supervisor chided Lucile about being stronger on the phone. Lucille Marie collected a stow of cash she had set aside at home so that she could stop after work and get a cake, party...... Similar Editorial : Decrease your Bills by Bob Guy. | Source : Credit Repair Guide
When Good News Hits The New York Times, Sell Conversely one could surmise, when there is abundant investment bad news; investments opportunities may abound in the market place. Bernard Baruch was one of the more astute investors of the world. He was born in 1870 and died in 1965. He was an advisor of Presidents and an extraordinary investor. Many of his axioms and principals ring true today. Bernard Baruck also said, "A speculator is a man...... Similar Editorial : Good News From Istanbul by John Scott. | Source : Self Help Credit Repair
Buying Real Estate With Bad Credit The stars have lined up against many would be buyers with the amount of baggage they bring to the table in the way of challenged credit. They want to buy something. They need to buy something. Whether it be a recent bankruptcy, repossession, foreclosure, large medical bill collections, identity theft or judgements or recent unemployment any one of which can plummet a credit score and put the would...... Similar Editorial : Buying Maryland Real Estate by Sig Yanosway. | Source : Repair Credit Reports
Anna Nicole Smith To The Limit Not this fluff based nonsense. I pray, America can get a grip and wake up to the fact that the ?me? stories pale in comparison to a human tragedy on a mass scale.... Similar Editorial : Access To The World by Tom Mcintosh.
Bad Credit Buy Home The more study you make into bad credit housing loans, the better the ideas and options you will have with regard to what type of loans are available and the interest rates you can look forward to ge...... Similar Editorial : Access To The World by Tom Mcintosh. | Source : How To Handle Finances Pg. 39