Corey Blake is President of Writers of the Round Table Inc. ( a literary development and author management company. Corey consults and contributes writing to best-selling authors, leadership coaches and business executives. This article first appeared in Writer Mag.
Year Of The Saints Well Saints fans the beginning of football season is almost upon us. With the start of training camp, it's time to take a look at the upcoming season. Saints fans have become familiar with the high e...... Similar Editorial : Saints or Charlatans by Skye Thomas. | Source : Sportsmen Guide
Self Publish Or Perish: The New Age Of Book Writing In this new age of the Internet, information is everywhere and people are hungry to find it. If they have a question about ANYTHING in life, they are apt to jump online, go to a search engine and trust whatever they find. So how do you compete among trillions of pages of Internet content? The ... Similar Editorial : Publish or Perish by NARA. | Source : Script Writing Advice
Writing For The Web - Converts Visitors Into Customers The Internet is a vast resource for your business. In the first quarter of 2007 alone, American's spent $33.6 billion on retail e-commerce sales. (1) The worldwide reach has expanded your opportunities for connecting with prospects anywhere in the world. But how do you convert visitors into customers? What is it about your website that prompts action - whether it's an inquiry or a purchase...... Similar Editorial : Writing e by Glenn Murray. | Source : Advertising Design
Writing Articles Per Month Do you offer a truly brilliant product or service? Do you wish you had more leads to sell it to? Do you need to drive more revenue so you have cash on hand to spend on implementing better and better ideas, or to bring on additional staff?If you are answering yes to these questions, YOU NEED A MORE EXCEPTIONAL ONLINE PRESENCE THROUGH ARTICLE MARKETING!With so much business and research being...... Similar Editorial : Writing Articles by William C. Wilson Sr.. | Source : Affiliate Manage Marketing Program
Christmas Gift Ideas For Grandparents Our grandparents play such a vital role in determining who we are in life, so of course, it makes sense that when the holidays arrive, we want to think of Christmas gift ideas for grandparents that make a true difference in their lives as well. What could be more personally rewarding than the gift of legacy writing? Legacy writing is writing down on paper the story of someone's life for the...... Similar Editorial : Cheap Christmas Gift Ideas by Shannon Jarvies. | Source : Christmas Photo Greeting Cards