Copyright 2008 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier writes Make Money Online News, a blog about making money online, and, a site that reviews Hollis Carter's Summit to Success.
Top Six Ways To Avoid Getting Fit If you are like most Americans, you are probably overweight to some degree. The American lifestyle is no longer a blue collar lifestyle, and factory work and farm work are no longer the norm. As a society, Americans spend more time sitting around then ever before.Not only are Americ... Similar Editorial : Avoid the by Monte Penney. | Source : Back Exercises
Protect Your Credit Accounts The credit card companies largely dictate the relationships between the credit card companies and the credit card processors. They are supposed to keep tabs on the processors and make sure that the processors use secure measures to protect the data of customers. These issues are not governed by law, but the processors can be fined by the credit card companies for violations. So what can the...... Similar Editorial : Bad Credit Bank Accounts by Damian Sofsian. | Source : Card Consolidation Credit Debt Service
Debt Consolidation – Watch Out For Payday Loans The interest rates charged by payday loan stores varies from state to state, but a rate of 15-17% for two weeks is not unusual. This translates to 390-440% per year, which is a staggering amount of interest to pay on a loan. The lenders say that these amounts are fair, and are necessary to cover the overhead associated with running a business and to account for a substantial number of borrowers...... Similar Editorial : Debt Consolidation by Mike Yeager. | Source : Card Consolidation Credit Debt Service
Debt Consolidation – Options For Reducing Your Debt There are a number of solutions available that allow most people to reduce their interest rate on their debt, reduce their total monthly payment, or both: Ask for a lower rate on your credit card. If you have been making payments regularly, and you haven’t had a history of late payment, you may be able to lower your interest rate on your credit cards simply by calling your credit card company and...... Similar Editorial : Debt Consolidation by Mike Yeager. | Source : Card Consolidation Credit Debt Service
New Bankruptcy Law – Targeting The Wrong People? Studies suggest that the number of business bankruptcies may actually be up to ten times higher than previously reported. Many small businesses that fail and file for bankruptcy do so under guidelines that technically classify them as personal bankruptcies. The new law doesn’t account for this, however, and treats such bankruptcy filers no differently than those who file because they can’t stop...... Similar Editorial : Bankruptcy Best Bet by Alli Ross. | Source : Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney
New Bankruptcy Law – Wheres The Consumer Protection? The purpose of the new legislation, is to eliminate “bankruptcy of convenience”. Sponsors of the bill allege that most consumer bankruptcy cases involve irresponsible spenders who have shopped or gambled their money away and now do not wish to pay their creditors. They rightly point out that bankruptcy costs the credit card companies billions of dollars each year and that those costs are passed on...... Similar Editorial : After Bankruptcy by John Harris. | Source : Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney
New Bankruptcy Law Will Not Protect You From Identity Theft A provision of the new law that was not well publicized is the fact that the law applies to any debt, including debt which has been incurred through theft of the debtor’s identity. If someone steals your credit card, or driver’s license, or both, and runs up a huge amount of debt by posing as you, then you will be held responsible for the debt. Identity theft has become an increasingly large...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Bankruptcy Chapter 7 11
Utah, The Nations Bankruptcy Capital One would think, given the accusations, that the highest bankruptcy rate in the Untied States would be in place where such vices were common, such as California, New York or even Nevada. If problem gambling is thought to be the cause of so much bankruptcy, then one might assume that Las Vegas would be the bankruptcy capital of the world. How odd it is, then, to discover that Utah, one of only two...... Similar Editorial : Skiing in Utah by Jasmine Stone. | Source : Bankruptcy Chapter 7 11
Mandatory Credit Counseling For Those Considering Bankruptcy Actually, the details are not yet known. The law, which takes effect on October 17, 2005, does require that debtors considering bankruptcy receive credit counseling at least six months before filing for bankruptcy. The law also requires that they receive additional counseling before the case is finalized and that any agency providing counseling services must charge an undefined “reasonable fee.”...... Similar Editorial : Credit Counseling by Jim Vrana. | Source : Bankruptcy Chapter 7 11
Car Insurance - Types Of Coverage For Rental Vehicles Renting a car can be a daunting and confusing experience. The contract is lengthy, and few customers take the time to read it in full, particularly when they are standing in line at the counter with impatient people behind them. Customers who are in a hurry to get their car and leave will often agree to whatever the agent recommends, often with expensive results.Purchasing additional insurance...... Similar Editorial : Need Insurance by Atty. Gabriel Cosh. | Source : Auto Insurance Agency
Credit Cards And Home Equity Loans – Read The Fine Print These days, everyone’s lives are burdened with paperwork. With newspapers, magazines, bills, junk mail, and who-knows-what taking up space in their day, few people have time to look at every piece of paper that comes their way. Unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more necessary to carefully examine bills and contracts, as various penalties are finding their way into the fine print of credit card...... Similar Editorial : Home Equity Loans by Jack Krohn. | Source : Credit Card Terminal
Debt Consolidation It might be possible, depending on your credit history, interest rate, and current balance. Your best bet, especially if you have a history of paying on time, is to simply call your credit card company and ask if they will lower your interest rate. They might, especially if you tell them that you got a better offer from another bank. If you have a history of paying late, however, they probably...... Similar Editorial : Debt Consolidation by Mike Yeager. | Source : Credit Card Terminal
Debt Consolidation – More Options For Reducing Credit Card Costs They’re easy to use. It’s far easier to borrow spend money on a credit card, even thousands of dollars at a time, than it is to go to the bank and secure a loan. Convenience can easily lead to overindulgence.The interest rates are higher than for other types of debt. The interest rate on your mortgage may be 6%. The interest rate on your credit card may be 25%. That adds up in a hurry, especially...... Similar Editorial : Debt Consolidation by Mike Yeager. | Source : Credit Card Terminal
Debt Consolidation – Options For Reducing Credit Card Costs If you have good credit, you can get a credit card with a reasonable interest rate; say 10% or so. You can keep that rate by paying your bill on time. On the other hand, if you pay your bills late or fail to pay in full, then you will have to pay late fees and interest. Late fees often range between $15 and $29; some card issuers may charge even more. Adding to the pain of paying late fees,...... Similar Editorial : Debt Consolidation by Mike Yeager. | Source : Credit Card Terminal
Free Credit Report – Watch Out For Scams These free credit reports may be obtained through the official Website: Additional information is available at the Federal Trade Commission Website at . Obtaining a copy of your credit report through this site is easy, and only requires your name, Social Security number, date of birth, and address. That would seem fairly straightforward,...... Similar Editorial : Free Credit Report by John Mcfadden. | Source : Credit Score
Adopting A Dog In All breeders and shelters will allow you to bring your dog to their facility to meet the new dog or puppy to make sure they interact well and can tolerate one another for at least a short period of t...... Similar Editorial : Adopting A Dog From by Adrian Fletcher. | Source : Information Pets