About Writer Carol Shepley has been involved with teenagers for over 10 years and, as the parent of a teen herself, fully understands the pressures placed on parents and teens today. She now shares this knowledge and experience through her website http://www.howtohelpteens.com so that parents can help their teens become resilient, resourceful and responsible adults.
Parenting Teens - Getting Your Point Across The short answer to this question is "don’t". Now at first glance this probably sounds ridiculous, after all parents have more experience of life and most would agree that a parent's job is to pass this experience onto their children. But the problem with giving advice is that it's really just a way of maintaining control. We often cover it up by saying we know what's best in the situation, we...... Similar Editorial : ADHD in Teens by infoserv. | Source : Children Cognitive Development
The Parent Teen Relationship It was the homework that did it. Each night became a challenge in how I was going to get my son, a non-academic, to do his homework. I tried patience, encouragement, and teaching, all to no avail. I moved on to bribery, threats and punishment, still no success. Finally I tried anger, frustration and tears, but still no joy. At the end of my tether I knew it was time for a change. Looking back on...... Similar Editorial : The Parent by Terrance Lile (Uncle Terry). | Source : Creating Intimacy
Teenagers Taking Risks It can be hard being a parent with a teen going through what I term the 'I'm Invincible’ phase. This is the phase when teens start doing scary and dangerous things (according to us parents) as a way of testing out their physical limits. This is not surprising given that, at adolescence, teenagers are effectively given a new body, one which has many improved features from that of their childhood...... Similar Editorial : Elephants and Teenagers by Rachel Lower. | Source : Kids Bedding