Brian McGregor specializes in showing website owners how to make more money from their sites by applying inventive and original use of eBay. For a free copy of ‘The eBay Traffic Funnel’ which shows how to use the power of eBay to make more money with your website, visit
When To End An EBay Auction Early There are occasions when you would like to remove your auction off eBay before it has run its full course. You are allowed to close an auction early, however there are limited circumstances where eBay approve of this action.If the item is no longer for sale - for example you might have s... Similar Editorial : Ebay Motor Car Auction by Mark Lindsay. | Source : Ebay Online Business
How Long To Run An EBay Auction? This is a question which every eBay seller asks themselves from time to time.As you will know, you have a choice of a number of days for your auction to run. These are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days.Now you might wonder why you would never give your auction maximum exposure? In the ... Similar Editorial : eBay Auction by Danny Wirken. | Source : Ebay Online Business
Meet Some EBay Millionaire Sellers Greg Holden is the author of several books about eBay, including 'How to Do Everything with Your eBay Business', and 'The Collector's Guide to eBay'.He also recently met several eBay millionaires, hoping to find common threads in their stories which would be of help to us mortal eBa... Similar Editorial : Outsell Other Ebay Sellers by . | Source : Ebay Online Business
Which Type Of EBay Seller Are You? I believe there are four types of sellers operating on eBay. The distinction between each of these types is quite marked. And the type of seller you are to a large extent determines how successful you're going to be and therefore has an impact on the amount of money you can potentially ... Similar Editorial : Seller Carry by Judson Voss. | Source : Ebay Online Business
Nine Reasons Why Your EBay Auction Wont Work If you're not having the success you hoped in eBay selling, this list might be helpful to you.Take a look at these "sales prevention" issues, and see if you are preventing your auctions from working as best as they can.High Start PriceMany eBayers will simply avoid a... Similar Editorial : eBay Auction by Danny Wirken. | Source : Ebay Online Business
Ten Tips To Increase Your EBay Sales You've got a potential bidder to click through to your auction. They're reading your auction description now.They're obviously interested in what you're selling, or they wouldn't have located your auction. But what more can you do to tip them over from being a viewer into a bidder?... Similar Editorial : Steps to Increase Sales by yaali786. | Source : Ebay Online Business
How To Get Your Auction Noticed On EBay Let's suppose you've optimised your auction titles so that you will get returned in search lists. And let's imagine you've used short durations to get your auctions near the top of the results, can you make your auction stand out from the crowd?Well, yes you can, but unfo... Similar Editorial : Ebay Motor Car Auction by Mark Lindsay. | Source : Online Website Business
Why Dont You Have An EBay Store? First of all, allow me to clear up some terminology about eBay stores. In the USA, they are known as eBay stores, whereas in the UK the term eBay uses is shops. Just to make it easy for me, I'll be calling it eBay stores throughout this article but remember, if you're in the UK, everything I say a... Similar Editorial : Web Store by Nowshade Kabir. | Source : Online Website Business
Is EBay All Or Nothing For You? Like any activity, eBay can become routine. You list, you monitor, you sell, you email, you pack, you ship, etc.Indeed, selling on eBay can become so consuming that sometimes you don't have the time or energy to think about other options. Although you might begin to have thoughts in thi... Similar Editorial : eBay Gold by Greg Hayes. | Source : Online Website Business
Do Pictures Help Your EBay Selling? I have to admit this is a rhetorical question. There is no question that the vast majority of items will sell better if they are shown in all their glory in the form of a picture or pictures.There are exceptions of course, but in general I find a picture is worth a thousand words on eBay... Similar Editorial : Selling Yourself on eBay by chammer123. | Source : Online Internet Business
About You, About Me, About EBay If I've never told you before, I'm a big fan of eBay's About Me feature. This is a special page you can create as part of your eBay account and which is linked from your eBay ID via the About Me icon - eBay members can click on your About Me icon to get to your About Me pa... Source : Online Internet Business