Spirovski Bozidar is an ICT and security expert. Mr. Spirovski has worked in information management and security since 1999 His professional experience includes from Head of Systems and Security of an ISP, and Senior Solution Designer within an Incumbent Telco Opator. Bozidar currenty holds the position of a Chief Information Security Officer for bank, member of a large multinational group. He has been involved as a guest speaker in a multitude of international conferences on information systems in CEE, covering the subjects of Personal Data protection and EU regulations, Risk Analysis and Business Continuity and Reliable Data hosting.
Understanding Penetration Testing Methodology Every company has the responsibility to organize and perform penetration testing (pen-test) of its premises and systems at certain intervals. However, few companies understand the process of penetration testing and rely on the supplier to provide all direction. Here is a brief description of a penetration testing methodology, that should aide the security officers in managing the actual test...... Similar Editorial : Testing Headlines by Patrick Quinn. | Source : Windows Firewall Settings
6 Steps To Securing Your Backup Media In Transport Companies use significant resources to secure their production systems. The security of backup elements of the same infrastructure, especially the backup files are overlooked. This lack of security can be an excellent opportunity for an attacker.Example scenario:One of Shortinfosec Democorp branch office Domain Controllers has failed. A support expert is invited to assist, and he suggests to...... Similar Editorial : Auto Transport by John Roehll. | Source : Windows Firewall Settings
Is Skype A Good Corporate Tool? The new age of information technology is strong in all corporations, and people understand that there are fast and easy methods of communication that haven't been available before. One of the most modern being the Instant Messaging tool, in any form possible. And the most popular form of the day is Skype.Furthermore, the modern corporate employees view the ability to use Skype at work as their...... Similar Editorial : Skype vs by Louis Philip. | Source : Purdue Computer Science