Share Your True Colors

By: Megan Corwin

Don’t you just love the leaves changing colors in the fall? Here in the Midwest we are almost at the peak of leaf peeping season. The trees are showing their true colors – glorious yellows, reds, and oranges.

While they appear green during the spring and summer, those vibrant fall colors are always present, just not seen by us. As the bright green chlorophyll fades away for the winter, the autumn colored leaves are exposed, providing a beautiful gift to the landscape.

People have hidden gifts, too.

What skill or talent do you have that you aren’t using every day? Make a list of these skills for your own reference.

Here’s a sample from my list:

  • Drawing

  • Baking

  • Organizing

  • Sharing

  • Using humor in communications

Now, what is something you can do this week that uses one of your dormant talents? Is there a child or friend you can teach your skill? Doing one of these activities for yourself or others will energize you beyond belief.

The trees are showing their true colors right now. As you admire the trees’ splendid display, challenge yourself to share your true colors.

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