Can Your Child Ride Or Skate Safely?

By: News Canada

(NC)-Riding a bike, scooter, skateboard or using in-line skates is great for kids. These activities help build physical fitness, motor skills and self-esteem. But the number one cause of injuries is loss of control of the equipment. Safe Kids Canada recommends that children wear helmets and other safety gear, and that parents check children's abilities to make sure they are able to:

  • Keep their balance.

  • Control their speed.

  • Ride or skate in a straight line.

  • Turn without losing control or falling.

  • Stop without losing control or falling.

  • Notice other people or objects, and avoid running into them.

  • Check over the shoulder without losing control or swerving.

    For more information about safety on wheels, call Safe Kids Canada at 1 888 SAFE TIPS or visit The "Got Wheels - Get a Helmet!" campaign, held during Safe Kids Week, runs from June 3 to June 9 and is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson. J&J is providing an additional $100,000 to buy helmets for children from low-income families across Canada. During Safe Kids Week, a portion of each purchase of participating J&J and McNeil products will be donated to the program.

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