(21 Reasons I Love Being A Dad) © Lee Wise All rights reserved
What you will read in the next five to eight minutes will not qualify as one of the top ten professionally written articles of the year: guaranteed.
But you will read this, guaranteed: thoughts created on Father's Day from a guy who loves being a dad.
I love the privilege of seeking to inspire, encourage and help my children.
I love loving their mother.
I love the home movies I experience. The live ones. The in house "reality shows" if you please. Kids raggin' on each other, telling mom and dad stories one more time, hugs at the door, serious discussions begun spontaneously, phone calls to say "Hi, I love you," and small hands pressed on a glass door to see the wonder of all wonders: the neighbor's black cat.
I love happy birthday songs: songs sung in love and received the same way -- in love.
I love watching my kids with their kids.
I love the smiles of children and grandchildren.
I love good memories, family pictures on the walls, and cards from "Father's Days past."
I love the journey of growing with my children.
I love helping when I can and hurting when I can't. No, I don't enjoy the pain. It's the honor of trying to help because "I'm a dad" that I enjoy.
I love the privilege of praying for my children. I have the distinct honor of joining the heart of God with the needs, desires and dreams of my children.
I love being able to say, "Forgive me" when needed.
I love hearing "Mammaw" sing songs to her grandchildren.
I love being called "Pap."
I love sharing the lives of the kids with their mother.
I love watching the joy in the eyes of my wife as she talks on the phone with her children. (A *very* frequent event in our home I might add!)
I love giving the grandkids back to my kids just about the moment I think I'm going under (or moments thereafter!).
I love hearing the laughter of family in the other room.
I love being a friend as well as being a dad.
I love being a father-in-law.
I love memories of my dad loving me.
I love being challenged by my wife's love for each child, grandchild, and son-in-law.
I love being a dad?!
Yours for a day filled with beautiful moments in time,
© Lee Wise All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this article. The copyright and this resource box must be included. mailto:Lee@hope-for-daily-living.com
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