My Husband Prioritizes Making Money Above Family Time

By: Gary Hendricks

"Money is tight, and my husband's obsessed with doing everything he can to make more of it. It's gotten so bad that he's lost interest in our daughter. He hardly spends any time with her anymore. What can I do?"

Sounds familiar? I've heard countless stories similar to the above. Husbands ignoring family because of work. Are males wired to provide for the family so much so that they forget to enjoy raising their own children? Just strolling down the park with their wife and kids? For those women in such situations, I thought I'd share the following tips with you.

Tip 1

Be willing to communicate your feelings to your husband. Tell him EXACTLY how you feel. Communication is the key in a relationship. Make sure he is aware of how you feel about this because he can't read your mind and if you didn't tell him he don't know.

Tip 2

Present the problem to your husband not as one of blame ("You never spend any time with her and it's ruining her life"), but as one of lost opportunity ("Honey, I feel so bad that you are missing all the fun times with X. Why don't we try finding something that you like to do, so you can have some fun together.") This way he knows you are concerned, and he gets to have some control.

Tip 3

Men are in general more career-oriented than women. It is hard for women to really understand the drive men have to provide for their families. Cut him some slack.

Tip 4

Try changing the way you see things. If money is tight and it is his responsibility to provide it then that is what he is doing. You may have to carry the load with your child until things are under control. Be thankful you have a husband that has enough integrity to fulfill his obligations as a father.

Tip 5

One suggestion (for moms who do not work) is a job two to three evenings a week. It will bring in some extra income to allow your husband to spend some great quality time with your children.

I hope the above tips will help you somewhat in this problem of your husband working too hard. Oh, by the way, I'm a man ... so I can vouch that the above tips work!


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