Maintaining Small Town Charm In An Ever-Changing World

By: DeAnna Dipo

Virtually any state in the country has the appeal of multiple small towns. Ask almost anyone who lives in small town why they are here and they’ll tell you they enjoy the small town feeling while being close to all the conveniences of a larger city. One of the greatest joys of living in a small town is how familiar people are with one another. When you walk into a store or restaurant you are welcomed by name. As an area grows, you risk losing the “down home" charm.

On the other hand, due to the growth in many areas you will find a more diverse population. This too has appeal to many. Maintaining the magic that is small town while embracing the inevitable changes that are occurring is something everyone in your community can participate in.

One of the appeals of a small town is how longtime residents frequently make an effort to get to know the new folks who move into the area. For those who are new to the area introduce yourself to your neighbors. Whether a familiar face in your town or new to the area you can host a block party to get to know your neighbors.

Knowing whom you live next to is more than a neighborly thing to do. It is also a safety measure you can put in place. Exchange phone numbers with your neighbors so that if there is ever an emergency you have someone close to call on.

For newer residence ask your neighbors about the community. Seek out a common-interest support network. On the other hand, be willing to stretch beyond your common-interest support network. Human nature is such that often we only associate with those whom we feel we have something in common with. Due to the changing face of our country, you will find there are often some incredible opportunities to learn so much about many types of people.

Familiarize your children with the neighborhood. Find activities for your children to join in on. This is a great way for young people to quickly adapt to a new area.

If you have pets, make choosing a veterinarian a top priority. Often, animals develop unfamiliar behaviors when relocated. Unfortunately, there may be occasions where an emergency situation occurs with a pet when you first move. It is best to have a good vet who you feel comfortable with rather than have to try to find one in a panic. Talk to your neighbors to find out whom they recommend.

Check the local paper to find out about classes, seminars and events being held in the area. You may be amazed at how much goes on here. If you have a special event coming up contact the editor of this paper to let them know. The editor welcomes timely and relevant information.

Regardless of where you live in this great country, there are fantastic communities that can be enhanced by each and every one of us.

Copyright © 2004 by DeAnna Dipos

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