There are certain areas of this country where the possibility of mold growth is more likely to happen than in others. Homes in places like the Southern and Western states which have a dryer climate typically do not have trouble with mold which can only thrive in a moist environment. It is this reason that homes in the North-East, where the climate is damper and has more rain and snow in the winter and fall are more susceptible to mold and other moisture related disorders. There are some accepted ways to detect and treat the occurrence of mold so let's have a look at this particular home concern.
Mold needs a few things in order to survive and grow. The first thing that is required is of course, moisture. Now this can be from a variety of sources both within and outside of the home. The most likely interior cause of mold is a leaky pipe or plumbing line.
When pipes leak into an area where there is organic material such as wood or drywall, which is the second requirement; mold can start to grow. The organic material is like food to mold, when you combine moisture, organic material and an undisturbed place to grow, you have mold. Thinking about exterior causes of mold you usually have to consider that there is some way for the moisture to enter the home. This is stereotypically through a crack in the foundation, a leak in the roof, a faulty or leaking window seal and the like. Weather-proofing your home goes a long way towards keeping the mold away from your family and investment and will also save you precious money on heating.
So now that you know what causes mold, let's look at what can be done to get rid of it. Now this can be a bit of a difficult process as much of the time mold grows in areas of the home that are either inaccessible or hard to get to such as basements, attics or the worst case scenario; inside the walls. If you can get to the growth then cleaning it and using a good disinfectant can halt the growth but the best bet is to completely replace the affected area. Also be sure to find where the growth was getting the moisture from so the problem does not crop back up. Mold can go un-noticed for a long time and the only indication that it is there may be a slight discoloration or a moldy, musty smell. If you suspect that your home has mold it's a good idea to contact a mold specialist and have them look through your home to verify the presence.