Summer is Selling Time!

By: Matt Barker

Well Summer is finally here and with it has come the high season for home sales. Summer is really the best time of the year for selling a home as every aspect of the home and yard can be properly showcased and shown off. Of course this may not apply to a condo in Vail which is best shown in the snow, but for the rest of the country, Summer is where it's at. There are a number of things that any home seller can do to make their home such more attractive to buyers during the summer months. Let's start by doing a bit of a checklist for the home and yard.

Curb Appeal - This is one of the most important things that you can see to before the sale of a home. First impressions are everything in real estate and if your home does not impress buyers from their first glance then something must be changed and quickly! Your home presents a package to buyers and much of that package is the visual impact of the home and yard. It is extremely difficult to sell and ugly home unless you find one of those golden home investors who is looking for a fixer-upper. Many people will make a decision when first seeing a home and place the home into a "possible" or a "no-way" category. No need to mention which side of that equation you need to be on.

Staging - Staging is much more than cleaning and organizing things in the home. It is more about creating a marketable and attractive product that will appeal to buyers on many levels. Cleanliness, organization, artistic value, color and space are all important elements to this situation. Home staging has become a huge business in this country and you should have little trouble finding a professional stager to work some magic on your home. It is really amazing what a good home stager can accomplish. You may not even recognize your own home!

Comfort - When showing a home the idea is to get people to stay as long as possible and explore every aspect of the home. In summer keeping the air conditioning on is a good idea. If you don't have one then go pick one up! You could even organize snacks and refreshments for your viewers. Buyers will appreciate the little things. They will notice when sellers go that extra mile to make them comfortable when looking at their home.

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