Equity Release Mortgage : Go Into Old Age With Minimal Worries

By: Derrick Adolfo

Equity release mortgage is the means by which senior homeowners can get access to the monetary value of the equity built up in their homes. This is a feasible choice for many to upgrade or maintain a good standard of lifestyle as much as it is useful to meet an unexpected financial need. This scheme has provision for the homeowner to make the repayments to the mortgage lender on the loan amount and the interest accrued, only after death in the form of property.

Financial burden can be eased to a great extent if the large amount of equity tied up in homes is released. In fact, as per Norwich Union research some time back, senior citizens aged sixty and above have near to ?840 billion tied up in their properties combined together. This is a huge figure as one considers that over 65 per cent of the UK population is above the age of sixty.

Overall, equity release is a somewhat complex scheme owing to the numerous calculations involved. Apart from the inheritance issues, there is also the negative equity guarantee to take care of. There a few other things to always keep in mind when you decide on equity release mortgage. Make sure there are no hidden charges such as the legal fees charged by the solicitor to set up the equity release transaction. As per the scheme policy, you should have full ownership of your house until death or unless you move out of the house.

As time passes by and awareness rises, senior homeowners and pensioners are more likely to use the equity release for planning their finances, going into the old age with minimal worries. Of the two main and popular types of , lifetime mortgages and home reversions, each has its own benefits and depends rather on which suits you more as per your individual condition and requirements.

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