Several people need cash fast to pay off their mortgage arrears or repay their debts. A fast property sale might be just what they need to help them to do it. If you want to know how to make fast cash so that you can take control of your finances, then it may be time to think about using some of the equity in your home. Sometimes it's difficult to get hold of the cash you need to pay off your creditors. Getting a loan means having one more person to repay. Even using low interest or no interest credit cards means something else to pay attention to and a big bill when the rates go up. Trying to pay off your debts this way will take a long time and will add to your stress.
However, a fast property sale offers a better way. As a homeowner, you are likely to have equity in your home which will repay the debts you owe and still leave some cash for you to spend. A fast property sale means that you can use that money to find a new place to live, whether you choose to buy our rent.
How do I get a fast house sale?
An open market sale through an estate agent will not give you a fast property sale. Most people sell their homes this way, but the process is anything but quick. It can take several months and you won't know that the sale will go through until the contracts are signed. If you need to repay your debts, then you could do without the stress of waiting several months for money which might not arrive.
In addition, there's the cost to think of. With an estate agent, you have to pay their fees, legal fees and valuation fees. While you're waiting for the sale to complete, your debts could continue to mount up. Household bills, council tax and your mortgage will keep your finances unsettled. Who needs the worry and hassle of selling on the open market and hoping that the property chain won't break? Not you, especially since there's another way.
St Genix Fast House Buyers offers a fast property sale
Use St Genix Fast House Buyers for your fast property sale and you will get the cash you need fast. We are a fast cash buyer and we buy direct, offering a guaranteed sale. There's no need for people to view your home. We will offer a fair price in cash after valuing your home. Once you are satisfied, we can complete the deal within four weeks or less, helping you become debt free fast.