Three Tips for a Safer Property Investment Opportunity

By: Surinder Ahitan

Real estate is a gamble. Yes, there's plenty of money to be made in it, even with the current downward financial trends, but a property investment opportunity isn't an automatic way to get a good return on your money.

There are plenty of websites that will show you 'how easy it is' and offer you a number of 'get rich quick' opportunities into which to sink your capital, but think about it, if it were that easy, wouldn't there be more people doing it? Wouldn't there be less middle people trying to hook up investors with deals? Of course there would, and that's why I'm here to get you to stop making an irrational decision to jump on the first property investment opportunity that comes your way!

Before you even start thinking about putting your capital into a real estate project, you must have a well thought out strategy about what you hope to get out of the deal. For example do you want to buy to flip, resell as fast as you can for a higher price? Or are you more inclined to put your money into property you can let for an additional income? Speak to experienced property investors and learn from what their experience.

Read everything you can about the current property market, and keep your knowledge base up-to-date.

Hire professionals who know what you don't. Even learning all there is to know about the current state of the property market around the world, you will find that paying for a professional property legal expert will ensure that you don't lose out in terms of property tax issues. They will also ensure that you have all the relevant paperwork completed for both buying and selling when you are involved with a property investment opportunity.

Your regular solicitor may well know something on property law, but I advise you to get someone who specializes in property law to handle your investment transactions as they will be much more familiar with the industry and any scams that are making the rounds. Try to find someone who is recommended by at least two other real estate investors, or ask for letters of recommendation from anyone you think might be suitable.

Watch out for property auctions. These are a great way of getting a good bargain, and can give you a good return on your money, but only if you know what you're doing. The problem with auctions is more likely to be you, than the property! The property ought to be as listed, but you first of all need to do your homework and assess how much the property is worth and how high a ROI you can expect from it.

However, in the electrified atmosphere of an auction room, it's easy to increase any carefully calculated bid maximum that you've set yourself. If you're going to find a property investment opportunity via the auction route, remove the possibility of lowering your return by getting someone else to attend the auction and bid on your behalf!

There are many other things you can to maximize your profit margins on any property investment opportunity, but following these 3 simple tips above will get you started on the road to what should be a good return on your capital.

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