In these times of high gas prices there is a great need for an alternative to oil. The current gas prices are well over four dollars a gallon and continue to rise. I am truck lover for numerous reasons from the extra leg room to the hauling capacity, but unfortunately I had to down size to a compact sedan recently. I thought this would provide a much needed savings than realized. Even though I down sized to a smaller vehicle I'm still feeling the pinch at the pump.
There is a solution and did you know that it's already on the market as you read this? You can convert your car to a Water Burning Car. This is what I found from creditable sources available and then personally when I took the plunge myself. How does it work? Using electricity from your car's battery to separate water into a gas called HHO. HHO burns smoothly and provides significant energy while the end product is just H2O. Very little water is needed and water can be used to fuel a car when as a supplement to gasoline.
This is great for our environment and even better for your wallet when you consider saving over 40% on fuel cost. Will you have to purchase an expensive new Water Car that doesn't come out on the market till 2020, absolutely not! You simply purchase a kit and installation took about 2 hours. I can't say enough how much this has increased my gas mileage considering my daily commutes are well over 110 miles a day. Increase Your Gas Mileage