Run Your Car on Water, an Alternate Fuel

By: Abhinav Sidana
Water is an excellent fuel and since more than a century it is used as steam for running the rail. Still now water vapor are used for carrying out many physical works. Burning of fuel such as gasoline and diesel is an exothermic reaction and it produces lots of heat and other gases in combustion chambers. This heat is a form of energy and is utilized by the engine and in consequence the engine performs the work.

However, in addition to the conventional fuel, water can also be used as fuel for our car. The technology of converting water into a valuable fuel is well established and has given the desirable results to the many people across the globe. In this process, water is converted to two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The process is known as electrolysis and here a high voltage is passed into the water and the water molecules dissociates into the constituents gases and these gases are taken away to the combustion chambers, where these gases burnt along with petrol or diesel and thus help us in reducing the consumption of conventional fuel.

Thus water if converted into the basic hydrogen and oxygen, acts as fuel for our car. Out of these two constituents, hydrogen acts as fuel for the car and oxygen helps in burning the fuel inside the combustion chamber and therefore both of its constituents are either act as fuel or help fuel in providing energy to the car. So, for running your car on water, water acts as a cost effective alternate fuel, however a percentage of this fuel along with the conventional fuel can only be used for getting optimum performance from the vehicle.

So, in conclusion water after electrolysis can act as an alternate fuel. It can be used along with other conventional fuels such as petrol or diesel, and it has a potential of gas bill saving up to the tune of 60 percent. For the whole conversion only a small amount of approximate $100 is required. No engine modification is required for converting your diesel-based or gas-based car to the water based, however a small electrolyzing equipment and additional connecting is required for smooth operation and running of your car on water.

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