Car Lease Specials: Chrysler Goes Wireless!

By: Daniel Lamb

Chrysler has unveiled its latest innovation. It has turned its cars into hot spots. Most of Chrysler's latest Dodge and Jeeps will be installed with mobile web access.

With this whole new innovation, Dad can check on location indicators and ask for directions or inquire about the weather while Junior will have the time of his life surfing for the latest games and movies, not minding that he's going on a six-hour trip and they're right in the middle of a rush hour.

Regarded as an accessory, Chrysler now allows its car owners to access the Internet in around 100 feet around the vehicle. It will work on any cell phone network, and car owners can enjoy their Wi-Fi enabled gizmos such as PDAs, laptops and handheld game consoles.

The car manufacturing company owes its wireless connection to "Uconnect Web," as it sets its pricing for the service to be $449 for the router and installation fees adding up from $35 to $50.

The car utilizes Autonet Mobile from San Francisco for its Internet service. Any car owner has the option to avail of a one-, two-, three-year plan or pay the $29 monthly payment with $35 for activation.

Chrysler's connectivity technologies include a hard drive with 30 gigabytes, GPS, and wireless phone service thru Bluetooth. This wireless service has placed Chrysler on the race track with Ford Motors and General Motors. Ford has developed a Sync system to enable electronic devices to function on its latest car models while General Motors continue improving its satellite communications system.

Despite the benefits this latest technology offers, there has been a growing sentiment among Chrysler car owners regarding Internet connectivity while on the go, blaming car accidents on it since it's deemed as an attention grabber.

According to Robert Wray, Mp3Car president, sky is the limit in terms of what can be done while inside a car with an Internet connection. Mp3Car is a forum and sales site for cars.


More car lease specials information can be found at the Car Leasing Secrets website.


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