Let the Lemon Law Protect You and Your Car

By: Mike Freemen

Buying a new or used car is a serious commitment of time and money, and one of the most frustrating parts of the car ownership experience is the fact that cars sometimes break down. While all cars stop working from time to time, when the repairs to the car or too frequent or too serious, the lemon law may be able to help you.

Just about every state in the country has its own lemon law in place, and the lemon law is there to protect customers who purchase automobiles and trucks from unwarranted repairs and frequent breakdowns. If you feel that your car may qualify for lemon law protection it is important to contact an attorney or consumer organization who specializes in lemon law issues. These organizations will be best able to provide you with your rights and to explain your rights and responsibilities under the law.

One of the most important things any consumer can do is to keep a running list of all repairs and expenditures on the vehicle in question. When it comes time to defend the lemon law claim, the people involved will want to carefully examine all the records in order to substantiate the claim in question. This means they will want to look at the repair history of the car to determine if it is truly excessive or just bad luck.

It is important for consumers to understand the ins and outs of the various lemon laws on the books and to carefully research the applicable lemon law before making a claim. While a claim with merit is likely to be approved under the applicable lemon law, taking the time to become familiar with the law will help make the process go a lot more smoothly.

In most cases, if the car is determined to truly be a lemon, the lemon law will dictate that the consumer be provided with either a replacement for the lemon or a refund of the full purchase price. Again, the exact lemon law language will vary from place to place, so it is important to become familiar with your own lemon law before making a claim.

If you think you may be driving a lemon, the first thing to do is to become familiar with the laws that have been designed to protect you. If you feel you may be eligible for protection, it is important to contact a qualified and reputable consumer affairs attorney to discuss your case. Driving a lemon is certainly no fun, but there are laws set down to help protect consumers who find themselves in such a situation.


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