Have some problem when it's time to fill the gas? In these articles you will find some guides that you need when you go to fill the gas. With the rising cost of gas prices...and no end in sight...everyone wants to save as much money at the gas pump as they possibly can. You may not be able to control the price of gas but you can change certain habits and follow some basic guidelines to help you save as much money as possible. Rising gas and oil prices each year mean that the average driver, who travels approximately 15,000 miles each year in a car that gets about 20 miles to the gallon, will pay more at the end of the year for his gas costs. Every time that the price of gas goes up at the fuel pump by 10 cents the cost of the average drivers gas consumption will rise by about $75 over a year. This e-book will give you some tips, guidelines, and basic advice for helping you keep reduce the amount of money that you spend each week filling up your vehicle. This article will also provide you with basic gasoline and vehicle information as well as provide you with numerous tips and suggestions for saving money at the gas pumps as well driving more efficiently. We'll cover subjects such as: &bullAverage gas prices&bullFuel economy&bullUsing the Internet to find cheap gas&bullWhere and how to buy your gas&bullWhere to find the lowest gas prices&bullThe importance of maintaining your vehicle&bullTaking care of the tires on your vehicle&bullGas saving products&bullThe importance of EPA fuel economy ratings&bullTips on what to look for in your next car.&bullWinter driving tips.&bullWarm weather driving tips.&bullCommuting encouragement.&bullHow to drive smarter.&bullCurrent state average gas costs.&bullUseful links to websites. After you have finished reading this article you'll have all the tools and information that you need to start saving money today. There will be some ideas that may not apply to you at this time but when you purchase your next vehicle, you will find that you have access to smart money saving tips for reducing the amount of money that you spend driving your vehicle. The information in this article is current with gas prices and statistics today. Some of the information will vary for you personally depending on what type of vehicle that you are driving, as well as the age of your car. If you are driving a newer vehicle you'll find that your car is already extremely fuel efficient. However you can still apply most of the gas saving tips found in this articles to your own pocketbook. Saving the gas depend on how you drive the car, type of vehicle that you drive. Driving the car in a correct way will surely save your fuel. |
Mileage and Fuel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||