Electric vehicles have been in existence since way back in 1830, and are becoming popular again with so many people being concerned about pollution and the rising cost of gasoline. Electric vehicles have been used for many years in the form of golf carts and have also been used as fleet vehicles by servicemen such as meter readers. However, due to the continued commitment and research efforts of the major car manufacturers, electric vehicles are becoming available today that are practical for normal street use, just as a gasoline powered vehicle would be.
Electric vehicles are popular because, unlike gasoline-powered vehicles, they produce no tailpipe emissions, which are known to cause heavy air pollution. Another reason for their popularity when compared to gasoline powered vehicles is that they actually use 75% of the power generated by the electricity, while a gasoline powered vehicle only uses 20% of the power produced by the gasoline, leaving the other 80% to pollute the air, clog up car components, etc.
While there is not a huge market for electric vehicles at this point in time, there are a number of companies that produce them for various reasons, with one of the reasons being NEV's. A NEV is also known as a 'neighborhood electric vehicle'. These electric vehicles are used in large, gated communities usually, and are normally built to accommodate one or two people. These small electric vehicles can reach speeds of 35 to 40 miles per hour.
In addition to the NEV's that are available, there are a few car manufacturers that are producing and selling street compatible electric vehicles. The Dodge TEVan, an electric minivan built by the Chrysler Corporation, is currently being marketed to utility corporations with a price tag of approximately $100,000. Other companies that produce electric vehicle prototypes for demonstration purposes only include Honda, GM and Ford.
How an electric vehicle works is quite easy to understand. Since the electric vehicle runs on electricity, or a charge, the battery attached to the vehicle is plugged in prior to use in order for the battery to fully charge. Depending on how low the battery's charge is, and also on the charging voltage that is used to charge the battery, charging can take anywhere between three and eight hours. Once charged, the electric vehicle will normally run for between 60 and 200 hours before the battery needs to be recharged.
A limited production electric vehicle can cost up to $40,000, however, many models that are available for everyday use can be purchased for $15,000 to $30,000, depending on the make and model, as well as the options that you desire the electric vehicle to have.
There also exists the possibility to transform a regular gasoline powered vehicle into an electric vehicle; this is done by using a conversion kit, which can be purchased for about $5,000. Electrical vehicles are safe for the environment, economically priced, as well as fun to drive.