Electric Trucks Shown at Sema

By: Jason Moore

During the Specialty Equipment Market Association (or SEMA) show, show goers were enthralled by the various gadgets and gizmos for vehicles and cars that were put on display. People were also able to learn about new things and new techniques to help them get the best out of their vehicles without spending much. Car lovers who are also looking for were also here so as to check if the products that they needed were able at the mentioned show.

There were also tons of vehicles on display and these vehicles ranged from the smallest creations one could ever imagine to the largest and most powerful ones that could and would help out man as they go about their everyday lives.

Phoenix Motorcars, one of the leading creators of unique vehicles, also sent out, displayed, and showcased the kind of vehicles that they have been able to craft. As per this year's SEMA Show, the company was intent on exhibiting their sports utility truck. No, it was not just like any other pickup truck that you could see anywhere. These trucks are actually said to have zero emissions. They are powered by electricity and not by any kind of fuel or gas. And yes, these trucks are already ready to take on the highways, the streets, and any other kind of road there is on this planet. The battery of this Phoenix Motorcars electricity powered sport utility truck is actually the revolutionary Altairnano NanoSafe battery pack.

According to the creator of the Phoenix Motorcars electricity powered sport utility truck, this vehicle has actually been crafted with fleet vehicle owners as the target. These units would very much help out owners take on the various challenges that they face everyday and in the process still be able to take in the right kind and amount of profit.

This vehicle can actually be used to transport not only one or two passengers but actually a full of five inside its cabin and still have a full load at its truck bed. Plus, despite being loaded that much, the Phoenix Motorcars electricity powered sport utility truck can still speed up to 95 miles per hour on the highway.

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