Fuel Economy Needed as Gas Prices Rocket Again

By: Jenny Mclane

The prices of gas and fuel seem to be skyrocketing upwards once again and such a trend has now become a great cause of concern for many car owners and transportation groups. You see, when this happen, car owners and drivers would need to allocate more portions of their budgets on fuel and gas instead of using them up for car insurance or maybe even new for their vehicles.

On this, the Alliance to Save Energy has decided to make a move and call on the 110th Congress to help the country cope up with this situation. They are actually asking the government to help car owners by making laws or policies for car manufacturers to create vehicles that have a greater and better fuel efficiency and economy.

Kateri Callahan, the president of the Alliance to Save Energy, says, "The new Congress must - as a first order of business - help Americans struggling to meet rising energy costs by insuring that our cars, SUVs, and light trucks go further and pollute less on each gallon of fuel. The economic, energy security and environmental consequences of continued inaction are simply too great. The links between our energy use and damage to the environment become ever more clear, as are the threats to our national security given growing oil imports from volatile regions of the world."

You see, the prices have actually been surging upward and many are fearing that the trend could be yet another double of that situation a couple of months back when the prices of gas and fuel seemed to rise on and on each day. The Alliance has also been able to note than in just two months, which started from the end of October last year up until the very first day of this year, January 1st, the average price for regular gas and fuel has already risen by five per cent. The price last October was $2.20 per gallon and last 1st of January it was already risen to $2.30.

Callahan did continue to state, "We look forward to early congressional hearings to address these pressing issues, and we call no senators and representatives to work on an expeditious, bipartisan basis to determine the quickest, most cost-effective ways to achieve greater fuel economy across the US vehicle fleet." She even adds, "We could save roughly 1 million barrels of oil per day just by increasing fleet-wide fuel economy by only 2 miles per gallon, which is more than achievable with currently available technologies. Policies such as increased fuel economy (CAFE) standards and a feebate program rewarding high mileage vehicles, for example, could accomplish this goal."

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