Now You Too Can Beat Speeding Tickets - Easy Tips To Help You.

By: Ernest R. Peterson

So you are it yet again, cruising down the highway in your stylish Porsche 911 Turbo, with the sun roof open and the wind blowing through your hair. Its Friday today, and you're all stoked up as the weekend lies ahead. Everything seems just perfect! But, then it happens. There it is again, that menacing sound struggling to drown out your CD player. Just when you shoot a quick glance at your rearview mirror, that perfectly happy face turns into a tight frown. Sure we all know that mean...oh boy! you are been pulled over. How you wish it was not those annoying red and blue lights again. Perhaps you change lanes and hopes he goes the other away, but as it turns out he's in fact chasing you.

Ah, those wonderful speeding tickets. Sure, you were going 76 in a 65 lane. Or maybe you were simply trying to keep up with the flow of traffic. Hey, whatever you do, "thank you" is the last word you need to say, after he passes you the ticket. Now who doesn't hate speeding tickets, that's for sure everyone does! Personally, no matter who you are or how wealthy you are, no one wants those dreadful speeding tickets. Sure, I remember the first time I received one when I was 19 years old. I was cruising home from college in my neat little Mazda Miata, which was one of those fun cars to drive in. Unfortunately cops are always looking out for sports cars. And apparently the colors red and black seem to get the worst.

Though it may have seemed quite inevitable, I was pulled over and handed the lousy speeding ticket. No matter how much I dreaded and hoped, I still got stuck with it. Now what to do? The next thing I did was talk to my older brother about speeding tickets, and then decided to show up in court and plead it out. My court date arrived and I must admit that I was quite nervous.

Luckily the judge turned out to be rather compassionate. I pleaded with her and she said it will not go against my record. At the end, I had to pay up a ticket fee and court costs, but that was the end of it. Showing up at court was a better choice rather than simply sending in a payment. In any case when it comes to speeding tickets, you clearly and simply don't want them. This can cause your insurance to shoot up! Now, that's not good for the old bank account.

How many speeding tickets have you received over the years? I hope there aren't too many. Despite the consequences, you should try and have your ticket resolved as best you can. Of course if you can avoid it going on your record, you're doing well. Obviously the best way is to not get speeding tickets by sticking with the posted speed limit. On the other hand if you do receive a ticket and you feel as though it was wrongly issued, I suggest pleading it out. No mater what make the officer prove it was you speeding past his radar gun.


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