Save your Money at the Pump the Bay Area Way

By: KatieJones

When problems do arise, it serves as a test of character as well as a test of just how innovative people could get. The imagination of the problem-faced individual would be put to work so as to find a solution. And in the world where gas and fuel is a daily need in life, people from the Bay Area have found ways so as to spend less on gas.

One of the popular ways that has been cooked up so as to let people save on fuel is through the 511 Regional Rideshare Program which has first started up in the mentioned place. It is a service given for free online and through the phones. People would have to call in or get information online and then those who are working behind the program would then be matching locations and times up. Such a task is done so as to let people have carpools and vanpools.

At present, the people behind such a program has thought up of another scheme. Their new one is actually offered to people who do commuting every day. If they choose to take part in the scheme, they would have to switch to carpools and in return, they would be given gas cards and Safeway gift cards. This one has started just last March 1st and its manager, Tad Widby, is quite enthusiastic about the program which he describes to be "a great way to beat the perfect storm of traffic congestion, high gas prices and global warming". Indeed, he has a good and strong point there.

To make matters more interesting, the people behind the new project is not just offering such "prizes". They are asking people to join in the carpool to get a gas card that would be worth $10. Or these new carpoolers can opt to have the Safeway gift cards. Now both gift cards will be given out for ever five days that they join the carpool. And if you are the lucky carpooler, you would be given the chance to take home a thousand dollars. But to be eligible for this huge award, you would have to join the carpool for at least 40 days.

Such a scheme is a great idea especially if you are saving up to purchase new for your vehicle. And you would not only be saving money to get the other items you need, you would also be able to help out keep the environment clean and continuously green.

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