How to Gain Credibility and Sales By Writing Online Articles

By: André Bell

Writing is one of the most powerful secrets you will find for bringing in new business and gaining credibility among your peers and potential clients.

Writing articles in online publications that cater to your ideal client will put you heads and tails above your competitors. Most competitors feel they are incapable of writing or feel they are too busy focusing on other parts of their businesses to write articles. So they don’t do it.

This is a huge advantage for you.

Likely your clients enjoy and even pay for information that is of interest to them. So if you have the ability to write, do so.

What Do You Write About?

How about a problem-solving ‘how to’ article? Or maybe a list of ideas or tips that help your readers? Since you know your business well, writing such articles should be relatively simple.

If your typing speed is not up to snuff and is holding you back then you can ‘dictate’ your writing into your computer using a microphone and a voice recognition software program such as Dragon Naturally Speaking or IBM’s ViaVoice. Both work fairly well and are available online and at most major office supply retailers.

Where Can You Submit Your Articles Online?

Here is a BIG list of locations for publishing articles online. I too had questions of where to publish articles online. So through research I collected these links, added them to my favorites, and began submitting articles of my own.

No online marketing has to date presented as high a response from qualified potential clients as those who found my site through articles I’ve published online. I suspect the results will be the same for you too.

Sites Where You Can Post Your Articles For Redistribution

Article Announcement Mailing Groups

A Useful Article Submission Tool

This online tool will automatically reformat your text for you:

Many sites have guidelines concerning the layout of your article. One of the common guidelines is that your article must not exceed 60-65 characters across.

By using the format text tool you can be certain your article will be properly formatted, so that it does not get rejected for something that is so simple to fix.

Now’s The Time To Take Action

Writing articles that appeal to your 'dream' clients should be one of your first steps to bringing in new business.

However writing alone is worthless if no one ever reads your articles. So the next step is to actually distribute your articles.

Hopefully you find as much success through submitting articles to these sites as I have.

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