Factors That Influence the Gas Mileage Statistics

By: Muna wa Wanjiru

Mileage is the distance traveled in comparison to the fuel/gas filled in the vehicle. It is measured in miles/kilometers. Every vehicle has a different mileage. The gas mileage statistics of a vehicle are likely to change under the influence of various internal as well as external factors. For many years now the debate for the reduction of gas usage has taken center stage in all countries especially the developed countries due to the fact that the gas quantities are reducing by the day as demand increases. Vehicle manufacturing companies have taken into themselves to make vehicles with economical consumption thus necesitating the use of gas mileage statistics.

Statistics is the collection of records which gives a rough idea of the result or the calculations. Gas mileage is the area traveled by the vehicle in ratio to the gasoline used by the vehicle. Gas mileage can be calculated by a program called Gas mileage tracker. This is a Software that tracks gas mileage consumption on several cars in order to learn how to save fuel and control gas consumption. You can keep a record of each fill up, to make the tracking easier. The mileage of the vehicle varies on the city roads and the highway.

This program is intended to give you the ratio between the gasoline filled and the amount used. You can fill up the data or the details of your vehicle and get the results. Thus you can keep a record of how much you spend on the fuel, the distance traveled by the vehicle and the mileage of your vehicle. One important thing to remember is that the results of the same vehicle will be different on the city roads and on the highway.

This record can also be maintained manually. By being a little conscious about your vehicle, you can use it to its utmost potential. Calculating the mileage is simple. Keep a small book in which you can note down the details of your vehicle. But do remember to carry it along every time you go out or better way keep that book in the vehicle. The results of the vehicle are usually precisely recorded after the first 3 fill ups.

Keep the pump on which you fuel up constant to know which brand gives you the best results. After refueling, position the knob on the odometer to zero. Drive till the gasoline tank empties. Now while refueling the tank note how much you fill and the distance you traveled with the previous fill ups. The distance traveled divided by the gasoline filled now will be the mileage of your vehicle per gallon.

Get the maximum mileage by consuming less of gas. Take these steps to get the benefits.
* Check the air in the tires and keep the level right.
* Change the air filters if old or clean if dirty.
* Do not use the air conditioners.
* Keep the driving speed constant.
* Servicing should be down at regular intervals.
* Take the straight road instead of the complicated roads
* The above tips will surely increase the vehicles mileage.

Mileage and Fuel

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