Beneath the Surface of Marketing

By: Treci Cauthen

When you take a piece of gold to a pawn shop sometimes they will take a small saw-like tool to scrape the jewelry to find out for sure 'What's Beneath The Surface'. Sometimes they find pure gold, silver, or tarnished metal.

Well it's the same story when it comes to conducting business on the Internet. Some Opportunities fall far from the mark. Some 'Get Rich Quick' schemes will read, 'Earn $10,000 Every Month' or 'Make A Million Dollars and Retire Early'.

'Big earnings with minimum effort' not likely my friends..

What's Beneath The Surface?

'Tarnished metal'.

You pay $29.95 for an envelope stuffing job offer. The fee is to set you up with supplies, or, you pay $19.95 for an information package to start your own home business. Only to find that you never hear back from them. If your a busy person you could forget that you ever signed up for the offer.

If your a take charge type of person that decides to investigate the matter you may find a disconnected telephone or a bad mailing address.

'The Silver'

Let's say you stumble upon a website that sells electronics, or some other retail products. You have seen there website and it is impressive. They are willing to build you a website just like theirs for $49.95 with a monthly $20 fee for hosting your website. They are willing to pay you 40% commission for items sold.

Hey, you could be on to something here...

But the problem is they leave you hanging. You don't have a clue how to market the product. Some might, give you a list of free classified ads and tell you to submit your site to the search engine. It's more than likely that you will never make 1 sale with they're technique due to anxiety especially if you're looking make a sell instantly. You burn out quickly and your efforts come to a dead halt.

'The Gold'

Your one of the lucky ones. You've landed on a site that has great products/services with all the trimmings. A solid Business Opportunity will take you by the hand and show you the way. They will train you with articles, presentations and online courses. They will be there to support you when you need answers. They won't leave you feeling 'lost in the storm'. But you will need to stay focused, patient and you have to want to learn because there is alot to take in and 'Knowledge is Power'.

Getting The Big Picture?


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