Five Economic Ways To Save Gas For Your Vehicle

By: Levi Quinn

No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, you can probably make a way to save some gas. This can help with the mileage on your vehicle and dampen the reality of gas prices when they increase. Using more than one of these tips can help increase your gas mileage significantly.

Take It Easy And Slow Down

The more you accelerate, the more gas you use. Ten or more miles over will cause you to use more gas. To save gas, you should drive at the speed limit. You'll be using less gas that can be used for future trips. If people think you're going too slow driving the speed limit, let them pass you up. Make sure your driving on the right side of the road, which is considered the slow lane.

Be Careful How You Accelerate

You waste gas when you engage in a start-stop acceleration mode. If you're on the road and you can see vehicles slowing ahead of you, then start slowing down. It's not good to accelerate and have to brake suddenly. You can lose of lot of gas this way.

With manual transmission vehicles, the driver should shift in the beginning of the trip to dampen the engine noise. Go ahead and shift downward if you have to accelerate. With automatic transmission vehicles, accelerate wisely. This way, the transmission will change to higher gears.

Your Tire Pressure

You can lose gas if your tires are not inflated properly. You should check your tires periodically with a tire gauge. On cold days, check your tires. Since there are different tires for different vehicles, refer to your vehicle's manual for further instructions.

Air Filter

Your vehicle should have a clean air filter. This helps with the gas mileage for your vehicle. If your air filter is dirty, the engine's air flow is inadequate. The result is that the vehicle's performance will not be up to par.

Changing an air filter in your vehicle is simple. Take the filter out of the vehicle and line it up against the sun. If there is no light coming through it, it's time for a new one. If you're still not sure about your air filter, take it to a reliable mechanic or auto supply store. It is recommended that air filters be changed every 10,000 - 12,000 miles.

Lay Off The Air Conditioner

During the summer months, (depending on where you live), it can get very hot. When you're driving, the first thing you want to do is turn on the air conditioner. Utilizing the air conditioner sucks up gas quickly. You can save more gas by letting the windows down and catching a breeze. Even when it's really hot, you can still manage to get something. If you have a sunroof, you can open that too. However, if you just have to have some type of cold blast hitting you, keep the air conditioner at a lower speed and you can still save some gas.

Try one or more of these tips and within a matter of time, you'll notice a difference.

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