As gas prices continue to rise I find myself looking for tips on how to improve my gas mileage. I have found that there are actually plenty of easy ways to save hundreds of dollars per year on your gas bill simply by keeping your car in the best possible condition and changing a few driving habits. Below you will find some good tips to improve your gas mileage.
When it comes to routine maintenance, the first thing you'll have to do is to make sure that your tires are well inflated. Low tires pressure increases drag and will reduce your car's fuel efficiency. Properly inflated tires help to save money and will also prevent premature wear and tear. To determine the appropriate tire pressure, you should consult the owner's manual and inspect the tire's sidewalls and tread depth. Wheel alignment is also important, as improper alignment causes unnecessary tire wear. Check the alignment about every 10,000 miles. Rotating and balancing will also extend the life of the tire. A regular tune up also improves gas mileage. Replace your air filter; a new air filter can reduce fuel consumption by 10 %. Other factors that will lead to lower fuel efficiency are; misaligned wheels, worn wheel bearings and brakes, dirty fuel filters, damaged spark plugs, and missed oil changes. By following basic maintenance guidelines on your car, you will cut back on the amount of fuel your car needs to run.
In addition to regular maintenance you can get better gas mileage by altering a few of driving habits. First, plan your route in advance to avoid the stop and go traffic of a backed up road or highway. Tune in traffic reports for news of delays. Second, try to utilize your cruise control and maintain a constant speed. Third, Sudden or unnecessary braking consumes more gas. At traffic lights, avoid the temptation to rev up your engine, instead, slowly accelerate as you leave an intersection. Fourth, roll up your windows, and turn on the air conditioner. Rolling up your windows and using the air conditioner can boost gas mileage! This holds true especially on freeways, where the drag from open windows can be a drag on your car's fuel efficiency. Then again, you can save gas by parking your vehicle in the shade. Once you get in the car, open the windows for a couple of minutes to allow any trapped hot air to escape. Finally, filling your car and trunk with unnecessary items makes the vehicle heavier, meaning you will burn more gas.
If the high price of gas is still getting you down you might consider a conversion kit to burn water and gas. Can water really power a car? The answer is yes, it can! You are able to use electricity from your car's battery to separate water into a gas called HHO also called Brown's Gas or Hydroxy, which, burns smoothly and provides significant energy. HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the stability of water. Water can be used to fuel a car when used as a supplement to gasoline. As a matter of fact, very little water is needed. Only one quart of water provides over 1800 gallons of HHO gas, which can literally last for months and significantly increase your vehicle's fuel efficiently, improve emissions quality, and save you money.
These are just some of the ways to improve gas mileage. Gas prices are rising day by day and there are a lot of people that are buying cars that use less gas. If you're not one of them, and you don't want a hybrid car, then you should know that there are many ways to improve the gas the mileage on any car. Even the slightest improvement could help you spend a lot less money on gas each year.