The Number 1 Way For Obese People To Lose The Fat

By: Lynn Vandyke

The number one way for obese people to lose fat is the exact same for those that are only 20 pounds overweight.
Strength training is the best way to cut through fat and burn throughcalories.  There's no difference between strength training for theobese and strength training for everyone else.

When we strength train, we add lean muscle mass to our body.  Thislean muscle mass burns through 35-50 calories per pound of muscle everysingle day.  Let's take a look at that number from a differentpoint of view.  If we have 5 pounds of lean muscle, that musclewill burn about 250 calories a day.  Here comes the funpart.  If we have 10 pounds of lean muscle mass, then our musclesburn about 500 calories a day.  Hopefully you can see why addinglean muscle is the best way to lose fat.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that we are obeseif we have a BMI (body mass index) of 30.0 or greater.  Beingobese is not healthy.  It leads to a host of diseases andillnesses.  I'm almost positive you already knew that.

Obese and over weight people can use functional exercises to beginchanging their health.  Exercises like squats and bicep curls willhelp strengthen the muscles we use in everyday movements.  Oftenthese movements are difficult for obese people.  Keep up yourworkout routine and you'll notice that getting in and out of the car,walking to the mailbox, going upstairs and simply lifting heavy boxeswill all become less of a hassle.

Strength training for the obese is the same as strength training forslender people.  The difference comes in the starting point. It's so important to talk with your doctor, get the go ahead toworkout, and then create a routine that you feel suits you best. Take one step at a time and before you know it, you will have taken5,000 steps.

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