Diets, Schmiets and Other Pfiffle
According to everybody, everybody is fat. And everybody who issomebody is saying that everybody is getting fatter.
So everybody wants everybody on a diet.
Who is kidding who? Everybody has been on a diet. Diets don'twork; unless, of course, you are selling a diet plan.
Diets are big business. And the bigger the muffins and trailerson the American people, the bigger the business will be.
If you have not been on a diet, you have missed the joys ofdeprivation, not knowing if the thing is going to work for youand final failure. Even if you loose weight, in nothing flat youwent back to being fat.
If you have been on a diet, or two or three, you probably aresick of them and have no intent of going back on one again untilyour doctor tells you that if you don't lose weight your aregoing to get all sorts of diseases, your body will fall apartand all those other things that doctors tell you.
Before that happens, you don't have to pay for some off the walldiet plan, "medically proven" with tons of testimonials, to stopgaining weight.
Notice I said "stop gaining weight." That is the critical firststep. If you can just stop gaining weight, you can start losingweight without going on some ridiculous diet that will probablyfail anyway.
Let's look at it.
If you consume 200 calories more per day than you burn up, youwill store about 6000 calories more energy than you need. Thatmeans that you will gain about 1 ½ pounds per month. That islike 18 pounds per year.
Just 200 calories is enough to do you in big time.
If you are now not gaining weight or gaining less than 1 ½ poundper month, you are golden.
If you are maintaining your weight now, all that you have to dois get rid of 200 calories per day and you will lose 1 ½ poundsper month.
So how to do that?
Elliptical exercise machines burn about 700 calories per hour.So 20 minutes per day on an elliptical exercise machine will doit.
Walking for an hour will do it.
Substituting water for two glasses of 2 glasses of your softdrink or a single beer should do it.
Trade a hamburger for two oranges and you will be surprised whathappens.
It is very simple. You just have to make sure that the amount ofcalories you put in equals the amount of calories that you burn.
But as simple as it is, it is very difficult to do because allthat calorie counting is a pain. It is all a shot in the dark,you don't have any idea about what you are doing and it is justplain frustrating.
So how did I solve my own problem?
First I did exactly what I said above. I started walking an hourper day and moved to water from soft drinks.
Bingo. My weight started down.
Then I decided to get serious. Having been frustrated withcalorie counting before, I looked for a simple way to keep trackof my calories on my computer. I found this thing called theBalance Log. It turned out to be great.
Not only don't I have to look for calories per serving in a bookor on the web, I have a complete record of what is going on withmy daily, weekly and monthly calorie intake and expenditure. Ittells me exactly where I stand for a day and how much exercise Ineed to make up for those things that I ate that I should nothave eaten.
Now I eat almost 2000 calories per day and lose weight. I eatmore now than when I was gaining weight.
How do I do it? I found that my basic calorie burn rate is about1620 calories per day. So as long as I don't exceed 1620calories intake per day, I can sit at the computer and not gainweight.
If I want to lose weight, I can walk and burn about 250 caloriesper hour. So since I enjoy the time away from the computer, I dowalk. Sometimes I walk for an hour and sometimes I break it upinto 15 or 20 minute walks. I burn about 250 calories per daywalking.
But then I looked for something that would give me exercisewhile I watched the daily news. That would be time efficient forme since I would better use my "couch potato time". I chose anelliptical exercise machine because it is low impact and burnsover 700 calories per hour.
Now let's add it up. I start with 1620 calories, add to it 250for walking and 700 for an ½ hour session for the morning newsand a ½ hour session for the evening news. That is a banging2570 calories that I can eat.
Now, for my personal situation, if I eat 2000 calories per day,I lose about 12 pounds per month. I adjust my exercise scheduleto my weight loss / weight gain requirements. I have my cherrypie, my beer, my wine, my ice cream and all those things thatdiets schmietes and other pfiffle say I can't. And my muscleshave developed.
I owe it first to the Balance Log that opened my eyes and madethings easy. Once I could monitor what was happening with mybody, I was stimulated and could set a goal. My goal was to eatand enjoy life and lose weight without the deprivations of adiet. That lead me to look at various exercise machines. I chosethe elliptical trainer.
Balance log has a free 2 week trial version that you can use onyour PDA and or computer. And it can be used for all the membersof your family or company. (Each gets its own password.) Ifnothing else, looking at what it tells you will allow you to setup your own unique approach to maintaining your own unique body.You can get more information about it at Balance Log
So forget the diets, schmiets and other pfiffle. Just step backand look at what is going in and out. It only takes as little as200 calories a day change.