Quinoa (keen-wa) is much like superman, it's a super grain - inactuality it's not really a grain. Quinoa comes from a plantvery similar to spinach; it's the seed of the plant. It ispacked with protein and potassium and filled with iron andriboflavin. You can find quinoa at health food and specialtyfood stores. Many local grocery stores are starting to stocktheir shelves with quinoa now too. Quinoa is a great replacementfor white rice as a side dish or as part of the main course. Itis a very flavorful grain and a wonderful addition to yourhealthy eating style.
Quinoa with Flank Steak and Vegetables 1 cup quinoa 1 flanksteak (at least 1 pound) 1 green pepper 1 red pepper slicedonion 1 8oz package of mushrooms (All vegetables are optionaland can be substituted with other vegetables)
Preparation: Cook the quinoa as directed on the box. Once it'scooked, add salt and pepper to taste and mix with a little bitof olive oil to make it moist. Cut flank steak into bite sizepieces and sauté in olive oil over low to medium heat. Cut upgreen pepper, red pepper and onion and sauté in a separate panusing olive oil. Once the meat is cooked through, add thevegetables and sauté together for a few minutes. Then add quinoato the meat and vegetable mixture and mix it all together andserve.