You Need 15 Good Foods and 10 Things for your Diet

By: Ruddy Setiadi Gunawan

Diet is a tough challenge for many people. I will give you some useful tips for your diet. These tips are good to read but extremely useful if you really practice these tips in your real life.

Let’s start with foods.

So what’s your problem with foods? You should think about foods based on their calories and energy. I will give you a list of 15 foods that is good for your health.

Mineral water, fruit, carrots, eggs, peanut butter, yogurt, lemons, mayo, mustard, cheese, canned veggies and fruits, milk, spices and herbs, cereal, butter. Let’s start from mineral water.

Everyone needs mineral water. Many people loved soda but you should try to love mineral water. Always have some cold water on hand. Beside water, what you will always need is a low fat milk on hand. Remember, low fat milk. And don’t forget to replace your unhealthy snacks (example: chocolate, potato chips) with fruits.. Whenever you are hungry and tempted to eat snacks, you should eat fruits.

Carrots. You will need carrots. Good for snacking and also good for your health. Aboutpeanut butter, peanut butter is good because of its protein. Fortunately, you should not worry about the fat. And why you need eggs? Protein. That’s why. Everyone loves eggs.

Yogurt also good for you. You can make tons of drinks out of this. Eat it often. And If you loved seafood, you should need lemons. Also, a cold glass of lemonade is great after a days work. Don’t forget butter. Butter is a must for baked goods.

And if you loved chicken salad or sandwiches, you should think about mayo. You do need to use some if you make chicken salad. Mayo tastes good for me but don't use this stuff every day. And you can use mustard for sandwiches.

Hey do you love cheese? I loved it and you certainly need cheese but do not ever eat too much cheese. You can get fat. The next good food is vegetables and fruits in can. When in a pinch, canned is better than none at all. You should always have some canned vegetables and fruits on hand. When you are hungry and looking for fresh foods, canned vegetables and fruits can be a good alternative.

How about spices and herbs? You will always need them. Go to a place where you can buy them in bulk. And now the last food. I think many people loved cereal for their breakfast. Cereal is healthy and effective, if you don’t have much time before go working, cereal is your best alternative.

Now you know what is 15 good foods and drinks for your health. Now you should need to know 10 things if you want to get a healthy lifestyle.

1. Do not ever lose touch with reality, whatever you do. It is important for you to always know the reality in front of you.

2. Stay away from “super diet”. Do not ever rush into diet that is too strict for you.

3. Always eat when you hungry. I strongly suggest you to always eat in breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Do not skip.

4. Control your emotions. Don’t let emotions control you. Many people when they are frustrated or angry, they eat lots of food. You should not allow foods to come between you and your problem.

5. If you have any questions, ask professionals or your family. Do not hesitate. You are not alone in this world.

6. Don’t cut down too many calories when you eat or your body will start storing anything to replace calories needed by your body.

7. You should not check your weight everyday. Sometimes you will become depressed.

Everybody is eager to see the confirmation of his or her efforts in the shape of lost pounds, but you should not let this drive you to checking your weight everyday. The daily fluctuations of your weight will soon have you depressed and ready to quit dieting. And this is something you want to avoid.

8. Gym is good for your health and muscle build but do not go to the gym every day. Your body needs time to heal and expand the muscle mass after each training session.

9. Eat your favourite foods but do not too often. Diets are not prisons. Sometimes you need to eat your own favourite foods, but do not eat too much.

10. You will need willpower. Without “willpower” you will never succeed in your diet plans. But use your logic as well, don’t push yourself too hard.

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