The Causes of Excess Weight

By: RVBest

Well, as you probably know, the main reasons for the excess weight is excessive food intake and physical strain. While obesity can be developed for other, internal reasons. For example, as a result of the violation as hypothalamic-small but very important department brain decreased pancreatic secretions and the thyroid glands, adrenal.

Studies of human nutrition with excess weight showed that they had used dietary proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the 1.5 to 2 times higher standard. Eat obesity tend to be higher consumption of bread, sugar, potatoes and others found that the more overweight people, the more it is a sweet and fatty food. The harmful habits which lead to obesity, could include drug salty food, spices, alcohol Rare receptions food also lead to increased body weight.

This is particularly true for persons who are vulnerable to the full. It should be noted that some 40-50% full of people more or less burdened hereditary predisposition to complete. This study found that if one parent is obese, the number of fat children in the family is 40%; If both parents to this disease, the children in 80% of cases, too, suffer from obesity.

Obesity leads to Sunday and holiday festivities, celebrations, which have a large variety of dishes with a predominance of acute snacks, savory foods, bakery products. The daily diet of rights has become dominated refined products, a number of animal products, notably animal fats, confectionery and bakery products, with relatively little consumption of vegetable oils and vegetables.

An important role in obesity is sedentary. This lifestyle even ration energy consumption is lower than the value of caloric intakes. Average of physiological requirements include mandatory energy consumption of the physical work at least 600 kcal. In fact, in a sit-work costs often make up only 200 to 300 kcal. A characteristic difference in activity of fat and healthy people. Typically, leaving choose work that requires less energy input. Sedentary work leads to a further increase in mass, which is already beginning to limit the mobility.

Thus, a person enters into a vicious circle : malopodvizhnost, laziness to obesity, and obesity, laziness (malopodvizhnosti). Therefore, people with high nutritional or sufficiently expressed obesity to be more physically active, as passivity promoting and maintaining obesity. Some to justify its inaction to maintain that the physical work enhances appetite and thus nothing to loose. But it is confusing. Yes, the workload increases appetite, but this is a logical physiological mechanism by which the body compensates your energy. If you are a passive lifestyle, it does not mean that you are weak appetite, he remains at least the same level as low energorastratah your body is increasing your estate.

The human body is an automatic regulation of energy obtained from food and its consumption. Your appetite is like a regulator of the balance. The impact of the same saturation points, which are hypothalamus in the brain, the mechanism is, the amount of food growing, that promotes obesity. As can be seen, the formation of hydrate figures associated with functional food centre, with the improvement of their excitability. In over-the stomach, sending nerve impulses in the subcortical brain centers, increased appetite, helping build habits abundantly supplied. The people who love to eat, and not doing physical work, food substances not burn, not oxidized in the body to end products, and become inert tissue, which requires constant nourishment and oxygen.

The formation of a yet another vicious circle : people can not resettle sense of hunger-eat much, and this in turn leads to complete because for the preservation of life fat cells need more and more nutrient resources. Much of the development of obesity depends on the profession and way of life. The cooks, for example, obesity occurs in 40 to 50% of cases, the frequency of obesity increased in proportion to the period of service. Women suffer from obesity more often than men.

The main predisposing factors for completeness they are pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feed. As for women and men alike have the highest percentage of obesity at age 40 is 50 years or older, at the time of life when it is hormonal alteration in the body, reducing energotraty increases metabolic processes. It has been found that obesity usually develops in those who suffered in childhood. Unfortunately, gradually accumulated obesity is often unnoticed, and that the people in this period is often referred to as it looks good. But this is precisely the time to ramp up preventive measures. Man begins to worry when obesity has already reached a considerable degree. It recommended a figure often seen in the mirror and regularly weighed.

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