4 Diet No No Tips

By: Ken Black

You have been good and kept to your diet and then it happens for no reason at all! You start gaining weight. You probably don't even know how it came about. Often times it begins with the tiniest breach in your eating habits. Consequently it is better if you are very careful when on a weight loss plan.

The following 4 Diet No No's are things you should keep in mind when on a diet:

1. Don't Be to Tough On Yourself: When you are trying to shed pounds, there will probably be times when you will make a mistake or two and with that you begin to eat foods you miss. When this happens you may gain some of that weight back. Make sure that you don't take it too badly and do not be overly hard on yourself if it happens. If you surrender to the temptations and eat something you should not eat, just get back to your diet again and try to avoid the next temptation.

2. Don't Diet With No Options: It is extremely hard to go without all your favorite foods, whether it be french fries, ice cream, pizza, cheesecake, fried chicken, or potato chips, so you should look for some healthy options to eat instead.

Contrary to popular belief, a number of vegetables, fruits and other low fat or fat free foods can be just as pleasing as the foods you should avoid. Although some of the high fat foods listed above can now be found in a low fat formula. You will find that it helps you more when looking for the right foods if you read what the labels say. You will then know what your options are for healthy choices.

3. Don't Go Without Proper Support: When you decide to lose weight you need to have a support system. It is difficult to begin a diet and then keep it going unless you have some encouragement and accountability from some appropriate people.

If you would like to stay true to your diet, but find it very tough to do, there are support groups available from online forum groups, local weight loss meetings and counselors. You may also find assistance from friends, family and co-workers. Keep in mind the right people are there for you during your journey of losing weight.

Having a diet support group can help you in a number of ways. They are there to help you through stressful times, as well as help you with finding new and fun ways to exercise. They can also help you set up your plan and tell you about a great fat free snacks. Additionally, they will be there to cheer you on and encourage you through every obstacle and crossroad.

A weight loss support group is there for you before you lose weight and after as well. Having one after you reach your ideal weight may just be more vital than you may think. Your friends will help you avoid the temptation of returning to your old eating habits when temptations arise. You will find it beneficial to have this support group for a while after the weight loss so that your new eating routine actually becomes a way of life for you.

4. Don't Give Up: Whenever you give in to a temptation, you are taking one step away from your wish to be thin again. Bear this in mind when you are tempted to purchase that pint of triple chocolate ice cream or a huge slice of three cheese lasagna. Also remember that you have learned of alternate foods that are fantastic tasting without the extra few pounds they will give you back.

For example, you can still have lasagna, however make sure that it is made with lower fat ingredients. Great tasting ice creams can be found in low fat or you can have sherbet, frozen yogurt, sorbet or gelatin pops as an alternative. Even yogurt that is sweetened with an artificial sweetener, like Splenda, is great for you. Mix ready made fruit slices with it and you just might grow to like it. I know I did and I still find it hard to believe.

As you can see, there are a number of excellent alternatives. If you keep reminding yourself of this as well as your reasons for being thin it will help you to keep your goals in mind and not give in to temptations.

Another point to remember is that if you have done good all week long and you decide to treat yourself on the weekend and you end up splurging, you will likely gain weight back, easily a pound or two a day. Your metabolism will dictate how much fat and calories you eat, so on weekends it is in your best weight loss interest to have healthy snacks and stick to your diet.

Here's a mind blowing tip for you. Buy some broccoli, celery, small carrots, cauliflower and little cherry tomatoes, break off pieces and put them in a zip lock bag. Put the bag in your car, in your briefcase or lunch bag and eat them, as is, whenever you get a chance. Put them in a cool place if you can, but if you can't, they'll still last for hours at room temperature. Easy as can be, fast and healthy. Gee, that wasn't so hard, was it ?

If you are like most people, weekends are generally spent eating out, especially in today's fast paced world where everyone wants everything now, with so much to do in so little time (or at least it feels that way.

So if you do eat out on the weekend (or even during the week) it is possible to find meals that will fit in well with your diet. Instead of having deep fried fish or chicken, request it baked; instead of French fries have a baked potato.

A diet isn't meant to be a drag; you should feel excited about losing weight, not dreading your next meal. Eventually you will begin to find more creative ways to prepare your meals and feel full without overeating.

When you get used to eating healthier you will discover that your food has a much better flavor and is more enjoyable than it was before you began eating better. Strange, but a true weight loss fact.

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