Dont Ignore the Reality if you Want to Lose Fat

By: John Dave

Do you want to get an active lifestyle? If yes, then you should read this article. Some kinds of people realize they are just bunch of fatty and useless men. They simply ignore what is happening to them. They never go to mirror and see their body. They always switch their tv channel when there is a television program about healthy lifestyle. There is one worse thing: they even never care about lifestyle. They ignore the reality because they simply feel sick when they know about it.

If you often watch television, especially E!, you will know that most celebrities have good-looking body.

Maybe sometimes you want your body shape to be as good as celebrities but you never put any serious effort for your 'holy mission'. Well, you should change it start from today. Dieting is not only about eating habit and workout but also about rest. Yep, you heard it. You need proper rest. After you take exercise, your muscle needs time to rest. Don't force it. Exercising around 40 minutes or even 20 minutes per day is enough.

Also, if you are doing cardiovascular activities, you need to do it separately from your other exercises. For example: You want to take sit up 200 times per day and also go to gym for 20 minutes, then take some rest after you done with your activities. Then several hours later, you can practice cardiovascular activity if you want to. Why? Because cardiovascular activity is one kind of aerobic activities. Aerobic helps you to build more mass but weightlifting will reduce your fat. So there is one contradiction inside your body if you insist on doing these works at one time.

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