It was Naturopath Stanley who created the master cleanser, which is popularly known as the lemonade diet. The main discoveries of the lemonade were the dissolving and elimination of toxins. It is meant to purify kidneys and digestive system and ultimately the elimination of wastes from the body. It rejuvenates the blood stream maintaining an optimal blood pressure resulting in weight loss.
Lemonade is a superior drink that helps the loss of weight for about two pounds a day with minimum side effects. This drink softens the muscle tissue thereby reducing joint and muscle pain. As a weight reducing diet, it has other benefits including healing illnesses during the cleansing process. This diet is to be followed about ten to forty days. It is also considered as a nutritional drink and when done three to four times a year it will finally improve you health to a greater extend. For serious conditions s the lemonade diet should be taken more frequently.
The process of making lemonade is with two tablespoons of lemon juice, two table spoons of maple syrup, and cayenne pepper and water. Mix the juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper in a ten ounce glass filled with hot water. Fresh organic lemons are preferable. The lemon skin and pulp can also be added with the lemonade to be used as a laxative. Pepper increases blood flow necessarily increasing the warmth of the body. Vitamin B and C is also present in pepper. Mint tea can be used at times during this diet. The crave for food diminishes as the diet improves. There is no need of added vitamins as lemonade is a total balance of vitamins and minerals.
As all solid food is transformed into a liquid form, the lemonade becomes more easily carried by the blood to the body. Obese individuals are to use less maple syrup. And for those who are under weight a more amount of maple syrup must be added. This diet results in the elimination of muscles, waste, and disease, but the healthy tissue will be sustained and restored. Enemas are not to be done during the cleansing periods or after that as they can be harmful.
Though lemonade diet is sounds good it has certain harmful effects that may not be visible within the period of time. It may cause serious illness as GERD, acidity, and even ulcer.