Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men. His younger brother arrived at the hospital with a broken back. The doctors told him he would never be able to compete again. The interviewer asked the young man, "What did it feel like when the doctors told you you'd never be able to ride again?" Without a second thought he replied, "I don't think I really heard what they said." "There's no negative in my program." When I heard that I couldn't believe it. Here's a champion athlete with a broken back and his only comment is "There's no negative in my program." Wow! I wish I could think like that. Was he in denial, was he crazy, no way. Instead of cursing circumstance, crying poor me, he set a goal and never looked back. As soon as he was able he began 4 hours a day of rehabilitation. When commenting on the pain he said, "My only focus was on what I needed to do to remove the pain." Low and behold after 16 months of:
The two brothers are rodeo stars again. All because "There is no negative in their programs." Imagine what you could achieve with just half the determination of these modern day cowboys. Maybe Willie Nelson knows what he's talking about when he sings "My heroes have always been cowboys." Wishing You Success,
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